Pie Crust

Cuisine: English

Cook Time: 75 minutes

Serves: 4

Few treats are as comforting as the humble pie. Whether you make a sweet one or a savory iteration—you simply can’t go wrong. However, making the pie crust from scratch can be a bit of a head-scratcher! No more. With our super simple pie crust recipe, you can make a delicious pie at home with ease. So, be it for the bake sale or a homely dessert, treat your kids and loved ones to this delicious pie crust recipe.


  • ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • 10 tbsp chilled unsalted butter
  • 3 tbsp iced water
  • A pinch of salt 

Our easy four-ingredient pie crust recipe—with pro-tips!

  • Blend flour and salt in a food processor or a mixer
  • Add in the chilled butter and keep blending. Make sure the butter is not warm, or else your crust won’t be flaky
  • Slowly pour in the water and keep mixing. The mixture should be moist, not wet
  • Then, knead the dough by hand or keep mixing it in the processor
  • Take the dough out and roll it into a ball
  • Flatten the dough, wrap it using cling film and place it in the refrigerator
  • Let it chill for 1 hour or a full day, depending on when you need to serve the pie
  • Roll out the dough and bake as per the recipe instructions

Chef Tip: Make sure that your dough is not too hard. Otherwise, you won’t get the flaky, buttery pie crust that everyone loves. Also, remember to keep your mixture cold at all steps. The moment the dough is ready put it in the refrigerator.

Making a lip-smacking pie from scratch is super easy with our pie crust recipe. Try it out today and tell us your thoughts in the comments below! Love the recipe? Then don’t forget to share it with your friends and family!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  • The world's largest pie (meat pie) weighing 10,540 kg was made by 17 catering students from Stratford-upon-Avon College, Warwickshire, the UK at the Hand Stadium, Clevedon, Somerset, the UK in April 1998. 
  • The pe was made in a container measuring 9.75 m (32ft) long, 2.32 m (7ft 7in) wide and 0.61 m (2ft) deep. 
Historical Fact
  • Historians believe that the Greeks actually originated pie pastry. In the plays of Aristophanes (5th century BC), there are mentions of sweetmeats including small pastries filled with fruit.
  • Pie has been around since the ancient Egyptians. The first pies were made by early Romans who may have learned about them through the Greeks. These pies were sometimes made in “reeds” which were used for the sole purpose of holding the filling and not for eating with th filling. 
Nutrition Fact
  • There are 100 calories in a 1/8 crust serving of Pie Crusts. 100 Calories, 6g of fat, and 12g of carbs per 0.125 crust.