Olive Oil

Cuisine: Middle Eastern

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 1

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. Did you know that olive trees, which produce olive oil, can live for centuries? Yes, some are even believed to be thousands of years old! 
  2. Extra virgin olive oil, the highest grade, is extracted from the first pressing of olives without using heat or chemicals. It’s like the VIP section of the olive oil world, reserved for the finest and most flavorful oils.
Historical Fact
  1. Olive oil's story begins in ancient Greece, where it was revered not just as a cooking ingredient but as a gift from the gods themselves. In ancient times, olive branches symbolized peace and prosperity. The olive tree and its precious oil played a pivotal role in shaping Mediterranean civilizations. 
  2. During the Renaissance, Italian scholars rediscovered the ancient texts that extolled the virtues of olive oil. European explorers carried olive trees to the New World during the Age of Exploration, planting them in far-flung colonies.
Nutrition Fact
  1. Olive oil is like the cool kid in school who everyone wants to hang out with—especially your heart! Packed with monounsaturated fats, it helps lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and promotes good cholesterol (HDL), keeping your ticker happy and healthy. 
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil are like brain food for your noggin. Olive oil keeps your digestive system running smoothly, thanks to its gentle lubricating effect. Vitamin K in olive oil is essential for strong bones and proper blood clotting.