Leafy Mix

Cuisine: Sub Recipe

Cook Time: 15 Minutes

Serves: 4

Salads are an essential part of everyday meals. They add bulk and fiber to meals. Green leaves are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and detoxifying agents. Here is a quick and easy way to add salads to your meals with the leafy mix! You will get fresh and crunchy leafy salads on the go! Let us see how to make a quick and easy salad recipe with the leafy mix.

It is a mixture of red and green leaves used for salads. 

Soft and fresh salad leaves!

  1. The leafy mix is a combination of different salad leaves.
  2. Open the pack and wash them thoroughly
  3. Cut the leaves or use them whole
  4. Refrigerate the leaves for not more than two days, or they will wilt.

Chef Tip: Use salad leaves with salad dressings. A salad dressing can be made with honey-lime juice and olive oil. If you want additional ingredients, a mix of walnuts, pine nuts, and groundnuts with cottage cheese will give a lot of body to the salad mix. You can choose from an unlimited number of ingredients to add to your salad to make it more healthy and nutritious.

If you are looking for zero-calorie intake but food full of vitamins and fiber, the green leafy mix is essential to your grocery list. Eating a diet rich in leafy greens offers numerous health benefits. It reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and mental decline.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Lettuce was first cultivated in ancient Egypt primarily for production of oil from its seed.

• It is believed to have been selectively bred later pchef for its edible leaves.

Historical Fact

• Lettuce was first cultivated in ancient Egypt primarily for production of oil from its seed.

• It is believed to have been selectively bred later pchef for its edible leaves.

• Lettuce was considered a sacred plant associated with the reproduction god ‘Min’.

• Many images appeared in the wall paintings and tombs of that period which were discovered years later and led to the archaeological evidence of lettuce’s history.

• As for cabbage, it is a descendant of the family of wild “brassicas”. In the West, cabbage was cultivated 3000 years ago, and in the East, it was cultivated from 4,000 B.C in North China.

• During the early Roman period, cabbage became a common staple in Egypt.

Nutrition Fact

• Lettuce has some anti-inflammatory agents and is known to protect neuronal cells, reduce cholesterol levels, reduce risk of cancer and help people with anxiety.

• It has very low calories and almost zero fat.

• Being in the low glycemic-index category, it is a good addition to the PCOS diet which is a problem in every 1 among 10 women.

• Cabbage, on the other hand, maintains blood pressure, promotes bone health, detoxifies your body, promotes bowel moments, helps heal stomach ulcers and is useful in combating acne. It is fair to say that this dish is one of your holy grails for a healthy lifestyle.