Italian Spice Blend

Cuisine: Italian

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Serves: 10

Looking for a quick and easy fix to all your boring recipes? The Italian spice blend is not just for serving Italian delicacies, but a variety of cuisines. It is the perfect blend of dried herbs and spices to transform your pasta sauces, marinades, and other delicacies. 

Learn how to make the perfect Italian spice blend and become the chef of the house. 

Take 2 tablespoons of each ingredient - 

  • Dried basil
  • Dried cilantro
  • Dried rosemary
  • Dried oregano
  • Dried marjoram
  • Dried thyme
  • Red pepper flakes (according to your taste)
  • Dried garlic (according to your taste)
  • Parsley (according to your taste)

Rich & Flavorful seasoning for all recipes!

  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Blend for 1 minute to achieve a balanced consistency. 
  2. Now, carefully pour into an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place. You can use the Italian spice blend for up to 6 months for any of your recipes. 
  3. Some of the top recipes in which you can use the Italian spice blend are- grilled chicken breast, pasta Fagioli soup, baked zucchini, roasted cauliflowers, and many more. 

Chef Tip: You may add salt in your seasoning as well so that you can directly use it to add flavor to your chicken breasts, soups, and sauces. You can adjust the proportion of the ingredients according to your unique taste and requirements. The Italian spice blend has the perfect amount of spice along with healthy ingredients to make every dish delightful. 

This versatile seasoning blend can up all your dishes one notch higher by adding the extra dose of health and goodness. The Italian spice blend recipe can be your little secret to flavorful dishes served to your family and guests.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  • It is believed that the Italian spice blend was actually created in America using the herbs that are associated with Italian cooking.
  • In Italy, the traditional cooking method requires the spices to be individually used as per the dish’s need of flavor, not as a blend of all Italian spices.
Historical Fact
  • The Italian spice blend is basically a mixture of dried herbs inspired by Italy such as basil, oregano, thyme, and paprika.
  • Thyme has been an important herb from the times of ancient Egypt.
Nutrition Fact
  • Thyme and basil are packed with vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin B-6.
  • Thyme and oregano contain thymol which is an antioxidant.