
Cuisine: Italian

Cook Time: 30 Minutes

Serves: 4

The soft and fluffy dough is not very difficult to make. No matter if you are cooking pizza, bread, or croissants, the dough is the focal point. The right texture of dough makes your dish delicious and appetizing. The dough recipe is one of the easiest recipes you can get. Here is how you can make the instant dough at home with a quick and easy dough recipe.

  • Dry yeast
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • Flour

How To Make Soft Dough?

  1.  Take a large bowl and dissolve 1 packet around ¼ ounce of dry yeast in warm water and add ½ teaspoon of sugar. Let it rest until bubbles start to form on the surface and the liquid rises to the brim of the bowl.
  2.  Now take salt and 3 cups of bread flour in a separate bowl and whisk it together.
  3. Pour activated yeast into the flour mixture.
  4. Knead the flour mixture until it becomes smooth.
  5. Slowly add the remaining 3 cups of bread flour, adding ½ cup at once.
  6.  Sprinkle some flour over a clean kitchen surface and knead the dough for 8-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  7.  Keep the dough in a bowl, grease it with oil and cover it with a damp cloth.
  8. Let the dough rest for some time so that it rises.
  9. Knead the dough again.
  10. Now your dough is ready. Prepare your dough according to the dish you are making.
  11. Bake it at 370 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Chef Tip: Add salt to the flour and not to the yeast mixture along with sugar. Salt kills the yeast if it’s added at the same time. Salt is added for taste enhancement and flavor.

Make your favorite dish with our quick dough recipe and enjoy delicious restaurant-like dishes right from the oven at home.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• In 79 AD, a baker first put the dough in an oven.
• Before the baking could be completed, an unfortunate volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius washed over the Roman towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
• 2000 years later, during the excavations in Herculaneum, this loaf of bread was found inside the oven. It is currently displayed in the British Museum.

Historical Fact

• There is archeological evidence of the usage of dough that could be traced back to Ancient Egypt.
• These shreds of evidence include structures and tools that were used in making the dough and artistic depictions of them. The bread created back then was nothing like the bread we have today; it was flatter and more like a 'naan'. By 3000 BC, the Egyptians knew how to ferment the dough and leaven or rise it using yeast present in the air.

Nutrition Fact

• The dough is made from a wide variety of flours, mainly wheat but also rice, barley, maize, and even almonds.
• The nutritional benefits depend on the type of flour used. It is fair to say that whole wheat flour which is the most common is also one of the healthiest.
• One cup serving of wheat flour comes with 408 calories, 16g of proteins, 86 grams of carbohydrates, 13 grams of fiber and 3 grams of fat.