Wonton Noodles

Cuisine: Asian

Cook Time: 50 Minutes

Serves: 2

It is a famous Cantonese noodle dish that comes in multiple variations served across Southeast Asia. Wonton noodles can be served dry or with soup. The variations of this dish depend on one's personal choice.

  • Fresh wonton egg noodles
  • Freshly minced pork
  • Fresh prawn
  • Egg
  • Shaoxing rice wine
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Cooking oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Oyster sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • Cornflour
  • Dark soy sauce

An iconic Cantonese dish

Check out the directions below to know how to make this quick and easy recipe that you can enjoy with your family.

For cooking wonton noodles:

  1. Get a big plate ready to blend the flavoring sauce. Mix dark soy sauce, shallots oil, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, and salt.
  2. Cook wonton noodles in boiling water till you get your desired texture.
  3. Drain the noodles and put them in normal water for around 10 seconds.
  4. Pour the noodles into the plate and blend properly with the sauce.

To prepare the wonton filling:

  1. Take a big bowl and put prawn and minced pork into it.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients: cooking oil, Shaoxing rice wine, sesame oil, sugar, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and cornflour. Stir to mix them well. Then, keep the bowl in the fridge for 120 minutes.

To wrap the wonton:

  1. Put small amounts of the wonton mixture at the center of each wonton wrapper. Make the wrapper’s edges wet with the portion of egg white. Then fold the wrapper to seal it. Apply the egg white on a corner and get all the corners together.
  2. Repeat this process till the whole wonton mixture is exhausted.

To prepare the broth for the wonton soup:

  1. Use the chicken stock cubes for cooking a large bowl of wonton soup.
  2. Garnish with spring onions and serve.

Chef Tip: Make sure you don’t overcook the wontons as they easily tear. The best way to go about it is to turn off the gas as soon as your wontons start floating on the surface.

This is one of the easiest Cantonese recipes you can prepare and savor with your family. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Three schoolgirls who collected a wealth of information on the development of wonton noodles in Hong Kong won second prize in an inter-school competition for Study Projects on Local History organized by the Hong Kong Museum of History.

• In the past, wonton noodles were the preserve of the rich, but they became more widespread as the economy improved in Ancient China.

Historical Fact

•Wonton noodles were not given their name, huntun, until the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). The dish is popular in Southern China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.

• Wonton noodles is also called wanton mee or wanton mein where "wanton" comes from Cantonese for dumpling and "mee" and "mein" come from Hokkien and Cantonese for noodles, respectively. It is originally a Cantonese Noodle dish.

Nutrition Fact

•One cup of wanton noodles can have approx. 210 calories of which 53 are from fat. To break it down further, it consists of 5.9g fat, 42mg cholesterol, 846mg sodium, 131mg potassium, 29 carbohydrates, and 9.3g proteins.

• This dish is a good option as it is low in energy, fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in fibre. However, it is very high in sodium, providing more than 3/4 of an adult's daily sodium allowance.