Vegan Haluski

Cuisine: Vegan

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Serves: 4

How to make Vegan Haluski super-tasty and healthy? When cabbage, onions, sauerkraut (fermented cabbage), noodles, and smoked tofu come together, a delicious dish comes out. We call it the Vegan Haluski. A quick and easy one-pot meal, this Vegan Haluski Recipe is loaded with nutrients.

  • Pasta or noodles
  • Soy sauce
  • Liquid smoke
  • Maple syrup
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Vegan butter
  • Tofu
  • Onion
  • Cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Sauerkraut
  • Chives or parsley

A vegan makeover to a traditional and comforting Polish preparation!

  1. Take water in a large pot and add some salt to boil the noodles (around 6 ounces). Cook noodles according to the instructions on the packet.
  2. Drain the noodles and keep them aside.
  3. Take 1 tbsp maple syrup, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp liquid smoke, and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in a small bowl and give them a good mix. You may call it the sauce mixture for this recipe.
  4. Take a large skillet and apply a generous coat of butter (¼ cup, divided), and put it on medium heat.
  5. Once the butter starts to melt, place the drained and pressed tofu until it becomes brown on all sides.
  6. Pour in the sauce mixture on the tofu (7 ounces) and cook until the mixture dries. Shift the tofu to a plate.
  7. Add more butter (remaining) to the same skillet and add the chopped cabbage and onions. Sauté until tender. Add garlic and cook until you get a whiff of that nice aroma.
  8. Add the tofu, noodles, sauerkraut (optional), and caraway (optional) to the skillet and cook for two to three minutes.
  9. Remove from heat and garnish with parsley, chives, or both.
  10. And your Vegan Haluski recipe is ready to serve. 

Chef Tip: Egg noodles are traditionally used in the Haluski. However, for a Vegan Haluski recipe, you can use eggless noodles. And if you need it to be gluten-free, you may also use mung bean noodles.

Once you make this easy-to-cook and quick Vegan Haluski Recipe, your family and friends will fall in love with it. It may also become a permanent delicacy served at your dinner table.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

 • Cabbage is like the grandfather of veggies. It’s one of the oldest vegetables in existence and people throughout the world just keep on eating it so it shows no sign of stopping.

Historical Fact

• Haluski is a Noodles and Cabbage dish of Polish and Slovakian origin although there is some disagreement from the Ukrainians and Hungarians. No matter where it originated from, it is delicious comfort food.

Nutrition Fact

• Each serving of Haluski has 189 calories, 11g fat, 20g carbs, and 3.8g protein.