Tofu Bowls

Cuisine: Unknown

Cook Time: 20 Minutes

Serves: 4

You can whip up a delicious Tofu Bowl in under 30 minutes. Freshly baked tofu with a bowl of hot rice and a spicy peanut sauce — what’s not to love? Find out how to make Tofu Bowls below!

  • Extra-firm tofu - 2 blocks, cubed
  • Cornstarch - 2 tablespoons
  • Olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Unsweetened peanut butter - ½ cup
  • Dark soy sauce - ⅓ cup
  • Toasted sesame oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Rice wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Chili oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Maple syrup - 2 tablespoons
  • Ginger - 1 tablespoon, grated
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves, minced
  • Toasted sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons

A Quick & Delicious Vegan Meal

  1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Toss the tofu with the cornstarch until each cube has been coated. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and place the tofu on it. Then, drizzle it with olive oil and salt. Once your oven is preheated, bake the tofu for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, mix the peanut butter, soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, chili oil, maple syrup, ginger, and garlic in a bowl. Your sauce is ready.
  4. Serve the tofu on a bed of hot rice with the sauce on the side. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of each Tofu Bowl.

Chef Tip: Roast some peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli on another baking tray and add them to your Tofu Bowl. For the best experience, make the rice fresh, so it’s nice and hot when you serve it.

This is a super easy Tofu Bowls recipe that you can put together in no time. It makes for great comfort food, and it’s a crowd-pleaser too. Share the recipe with your friends!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Tofu is to soymilk as cheese is to dairy milk. So, tofu is the curd of soymilk- and as a result, it’s sometimes called bean curd.

• 12,672 blocks of Tofu lined up end-to-end lengthwise equals one mile. That’s about 13,000 pounds of tofu. Heavy

Historical Fact

• It is believed that over 2,000 years ago, a Chinese cook accidentally discovered Tofu by curdling soymilk using nigari seaweed. Woah!

• During the Kamakura Period (1182-1333 AD), tofu was a prized delicacy of the Samurai ruling class. It is said that tofu replaced fish in a lot of Japanese cuisines during this period.

Nutrition Fact

• Tofu helps you shed excess water, which prevents water bloating and weight gain. Tofu also improves digestion and helps flush out toxins.

• Tofu contains isoflavones, which reduce the risk of cancer.