Sushi Burrito

Cuisine: Fusion

Cook Time: 30 Minutes

Serves: 4

A sushi burrito is a fusion of different cuisines, combining a large burrito wrap with traditional sushi ingredients. A delightful combination, this is a hearty meal, and with this quick and easy recipe, you can make your own Sushi burrito at home.

  • 6 Nori sheets (seaweed sheets)
  • 200 grams sushi rice
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • ½ cup thin strips of carrot
  • ½ cup long chopped cucumber
  • 2 chopped avocados
  • ½ tsp wasabi
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 200 grams sliced tuna or salmon
  • 1 tbsp finely cut cilantro leaves

An incredible fusion dish for any meal!

  1. Wash the sushi rice in water to remove excess starch. Now put it in a cooker, keeping the water ratio as 1:2. So, for every 1 cup of rice, add 2 cups of water.
  2. Cook this on medium heat and keep it aside.
  3. After some time, add rice vinegar, along with salt and a bit of sugar.
  4. Marinate the tuna, chopped cucumber, and carrots in a bit of wasabi and soy sauce and keep them aside.
  5. On a sushi mat, place the Nori sheet and spread the vinegar-flavored sushi rice evenly on top. 
  6. Add another layer of long-cut cucumber, carrot, cilantro leaves, and tuna. Now, carefully start folding the Nori sheet along with the sushi mat.
  7. Cut it midway and enjoy it with your favourite dip.

Chef Tip: If you cannot find sushi rice, any small grain rice or arborio rice will do the trick for making sushi spread. Just add more water to the rice so that it sticks well.

Sushi burrito is a pretty recent creation by a San Francisco chef, and needless to say, it’s an instant hit among food lovers. This recipe is perfect for a simple meal that you can put together after a long day and enjoy with friends and family.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• A sushi burrito is pretty much exactly what it sounds like — delicious sushi ingredients, including raw fish, rice, and veggies, wrapped up nice and neat into a burrito-shaped roll.

• Each of the rolls must be made by hand, putting together the delicate and fresh ingredients carefully and arranging them artfully on the plate.

Historical Fact

• Feeling constrained by pricey, time-consuming sit-down sushi restaurants and pre-made options lacking quality and originality, Founder Peter Yen was determined to find a better way to serve sushi and saw the opportunity to combine two of the Bay Area's favourite foods: sushi and burritos.

• The sushi burrito has blown up in recent years and can be found at all types of fast-casual restaurants and food halls.

Nutrition Fact

• The full-size burrito weighs 446 grams or nearly one pound.

• Typically, they are assembled just like sushi rolls with the protein and other fillings in the middle, followed by a layer of rice, then wrapped tightly with sheets of nori, aka seaweed.