Salmon Roe Sushi

Cuisine: Japanese

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 2

This quick salmon roe sushi recipe is delicious and inexpensive. It's the perfect starter if you’re hosting a party at home or need to make something for a social gathering. Plus, this easy salmon roe sushi recipe requires only a few ingredients to create a riot of flavors. 

  • 1 cup cooked short-grain or sushi rice
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • Nori sheets
  • 100 grams of salmon roe or “ikura”
  • Wasabi
  • Pickled ginger

Treat yourself to this super quick and lip-smacking salmon roe sushi recipe

  1. Cook your sushi rice in a rice cooker and set it aside. Make sure you use sushi rice and not regular rice, as it will impact the flavor.
  2. Mix the rice vinegar, salt, and sugar.
  3. Heat the mixture for approximately 30 seconds.
  4. Place your rice in a bowl and stir in the vinegar mixture thoroughly.
  5. Create small rice balls using your hands or a cling film.
  6. Cover the rice balls horizontally using nori sheets.
  7. Gently place the salmon roe on top of the sushi.
  8. Serve with wasabi, pickled ginger, and soy sauce.

Chef Tip: Want to jazz up the flavor even more? Replace nori sheets with salmon. It will elevate the flavors in this salmon roe sushi recipe. 

With our quick salmon roe sushi recipe, having a luxurious snack at home is easier than ever. So, go on and try it out now. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

 • Once upon a time, sushi didn't require a platinum credit card to enjoy. Sushi caught on originally as a cheap, quick snack to eat with the hands while enjoying a theatre performance. Forget the popcorn: pass the sushi!

Historical Fact

• The history of sushi began with a paddy field in Southeast Asia, where fish was fermented with rice vinegar, salt, and rice, after which the rice was discarded. The dish is today known as nazerushi, and was introduced to Japan around the Yavoi period.

• In the Muromachi period, people began to eat rice as well as fish. During the Edo period, vinegar rather than fermented rice began to be used. In pre-modern times and modern times, it has become a form of food strongly associated with Japanese culture.

Nutrition Fact

• One-piece salmon roe sushi consists of 50 calories. To further break it down, it has 9g of fat, 1g of carbohydrate, and 1g of protein.

• A carotenoid called astaxanthin is responsible for the bright orange color of salmon roe. Astaxanthin is a chemical compound found in numerous types of seafood, particularly those with an orange pigment such as lobster, salmon, and shrimp.