Rice Paper Spring Rolls

Cuisine: Vietnamese

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Serves: 2

Fun to make, colorful to look at, and amazingly refreshing to taste. This quick and super easy Rice Paper Spring Rolls recipe is one for the ages, for all ages.

  • 6 rice paper sheets
  • ½ cup rice noodles
  • ½ cooked chicken breast
  • ½ cup cabbage
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ red bell pepper
  • ½ yellow bell pepper
  • ½ green capsicum
  • 10 basil leaves
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 4 sprigs cilantro
  • Sweet chili sauce 

Chicken and veggies need to be cut into thin strips. Leaves, chopped.

Your palate will spring to life at first bite!

  1. Soak rice noodles in a bowl and set them aside. Fill a large flat-surfaced pan with cold water and soak rice paper sheets (one at a time) for about a minute until it softens and becomes flexible.
  2. On a flat surface, lay out a damp (also clean) cloth and place the rice paper sheet on top of it. Spread 1 tsp of sweet chili sauce on the sheet, leaving out the edges. Now put the chicken and all veggies at the center of the sheet. Sprinkle basil, mint, and cilantro and roll. Repeat until all sheets are nicely rolled.
  3. Refrigerate for about 15-20 minutes. Cut the rolls to 3-4 inches each. Arrange neatly on the serving plate and serve.

Chef Tip: Keep the rolls a few centimetres away from each other, or they will stick. You can also experiment with your choice of veggies. No sugar and spice, and everything rice!

Be it a cool appetizer on a hot summer day or to satiate that rumbling stomach without much of an effort. Just share with us, too, both comments and prepared rolls.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• In Vietnam, each region favors different flavors. In the north, it’s sour with homemade pickles. In central Vietnam, fresh spring rolls are generally hot and spicy. And down south? There are too many culinary influences to pick one dominant flavor.

Historical Fact

• According to Vietnamese chef Tony Ngoc, no one knows the true history of the rolls. It may be said that it comes from the North’s famous fresh steamed spring rolls, which are more than100 years old.

Nutrition Fact

• The great thing about rice paper is they don’t have to be cooked to eat as long as they have been softened. That means you get a healthy wrapper that is free of oil and fats.

• Rice flour is low in fat and calories, which is great to lose weight and keeping diseases away like obesity, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, etc.