
Cuisine: Indian

Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Serves: 5

If there’s one thing we love when it comes to Indian food, it’s the delicate, soft and fluffy naan that often accompanies it. Naan is a traditional Indian bread with a pillowy texture. It boasts a range of flavours, such as garlic and mint. Our homemade naan recipe is guaranteed to become a family favourite in no time. So, whether you’re making creamy butter chicken or an everyday mixed vegetable, this is the naan recipe to elevate your meals. 

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp yeast
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • Half a cup of warm water
  • ¼ cup of yogurt
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • One egg
  • Butter

Our homemade naan recipe is quick, simple, and oh-so-delicious!

  1. Stir the water and honey together.
  2. Add the yeast to the mixture and let it rest for 5 minutes or until it’s foamy.
  3. Mix the yeast, flour, yogurt, egg, baking soda, and salt.
  4. Blend using a dough mixer or with your hands.
  5. Knead the dough gently.
  6. Wrap it in cling film and let it rest for an hour.
  7. Cut the dough into six parts and roll them into small balls.
  8. Stretch out each ball or roll it using a rolling pin.
  9. Grease a non-stick pan using butter. 
  10. Place the rolled-out dough over it and cook.
  11. Flip it over when one side starts forming bubbles and turns golden.
  12. Warm some butter and brush it over the naan. 

Chef Tip: Boost the flavour of your naan by adding herbs, garlic, or nuts to the rolled-out dough before cooking.

 If you’re looking for an easy and reliable naan recipe, this is it. It’s simple, straightforward, and satisfying. Don’t wait; try the naan recipe now! Don’t forget to share the recipe with your friends and family.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• During the Mughal era in India from around 1526 Naan accompanied by Keema or Kabob was a popular breakfast dish of the Royals.

• Naan is derived from the Persian word ‘non’ that refers to bread.

Historical Fact

"• The spelling naan is first attested in 1979 in a travelogue of William Tooke, and has since become the normal English spelling.

• This Asian bread is mentioned the first time on 1300 AC by the Indian poet and musician Amir Khusrow, but its origin is almost certainly older: probably since the arrival of yeast in India from Egypt.

Nutrition Fact

• One naan comprises 538 calories, 14.2 g of protein, 80.2g of carbohydrate, 20g of fat, and 3g of fat.

• According to studies, regular naan bread contains vitamin a and is rich in b vitamins like vitamin B3, vitamin B9, vitamin B6, thiamin, and riboflavin, which provide 10 percent of the daily recommended allowance.