Maki Roll

Cuisine: Japanese

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 2

Maki Roll is one of the famous traditional Sushi that you can’t get enough of! So, wrap up some fillings, and let’s learn how to make Maki Roll with these simple steps. 

  • 100 gm sushi rice
  • 1 sheet nori
  • 2 tbsp sushi vinegar
  • Soy sauce
  • Wasabi
  • Ginger
  • Roasted white sesame seeds
  • Tuna, salmon, avocado, crab meat, prawn, cucumber, etc for the filling.

A traditional Japanese delicacy with delicious fillings!

  1. Cook sushi rice and mix it with some sushi vinegar. Set aside. 
  2. Take a makisu rolling mat and place the nori sheet on it. Place some sushi rice on the sheet and cover two-thirds of it with rice, making sure that it is approximately 1 cm high. 
  3. Lay all the ingredients in the middle on the rice and start rolling the ingredients using the rolling mat. Keep the roll firm, making sure that the filling sticks to the rice and doesn’t ooze out of the roll. 
  4. Cut the roll into 5-7 pieces and serve with soy sauce, sushi ginger, wasabi, and your preferred sides. 

Chef Tip: Keep a bowl of water handy to dip your fingers to prevent the rice from sticking to your palm and fingers. You can also dip the knife in a little water before cutting the rolls to get a cleaner, precise cut.

This Maki Roll Recipe makes for a quick and filling snack, giving you ample options to use your favorite protein and veggies for the filling. Try making this traditional Japanese snack at home, and let us know how you liked it in the comments below. Itadakimasu!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Once upon a time, sushi didn't require a platinum credit card to enjoy. Sushi caught on originally as a cheap, quick snack to eat with the hands while enjoying a theater performance. Forget the popcorn: pass the sushi!

• Maki roll gets its name from the bamboo mat that gives sushi rolls their cylindrical shapes which is called makisu in Japanese. And that’s how the name rolled!

Historical Fact

• In sushi’s early days, a dirty “Noren” was the best indication of a good sushi shop. Customers would wipe their hands on the curtain on the way out, so a dirty Noren indicated that the shop had many customers.

• Although high-end nowadays, sushi was originally a fast food enjoyed by merchants for lunch during the Edo period.

Nutrition Fact

• Sushi is known for having high amounts of concentrated forms of omega-3 fatty acids which help in lowering blood pressure and helps to prevent cloggy arteries.

• Many sushi rolls are wrapped in thin sheets of seaweed which contains a number of healthy minerals, the most prominent being Iodine. This helps balance hormones and optimize metabolic activities.