Macaroni and Cheese

Cuisine: Italian

Cook Time: 30 to 40 Minutes

Serves: 2

A quick and easy dish for a tasty meal. This Macaroni and Cheese Recipe is cheesy, creamy, and delicious. Perfectly paired with a homemade sauce of milk, butter, and melted cheese, and topped with a buttery breadcrumb that adds a delightful crunch to this pasta recipe. 

  • Macaroni
  • Butter
  • Breadcrumbs
  • All-purpose flour
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Black pepper
  • Nutmeg powder 

Quick and easy recipe for a buttery and creamy macaroni and cheese.

  1. In a saucepan, heat 4 cups of water, half a teaspoon of salt, and add one cup of macaroni when the water starts to boil. Or cook according to the directions given in the package.
  2. Drain the macaroni pasta with a strainer when soft but not too mushy.
  3. Heat three teaspoons of butter in a pan and add 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour when the butter is completely melted.
  4. Keep stirring until it imparts a pleasant flavour and does not form lumps.
  5. Add two cups of cold milk while stirring with another hand.
  6. Turn off the flame once the sauce thickens.
  7. After a minute, add one cup of shredded cheese.
  8. Mix till you get the stunning texture of a smooth, creamy sauce.
  9. Add crushed black pepper (1/4 spoon) and sprinkle some nutmeg powder.
  10. Here, you can add a little salt as cheese and butter is already salty in nature.
  11. Add the cooked macaroni and mix well till the macaroni is nicely coated with the sauce.
  12. Garnish with ⅓ cup of breadcrumbs topping.
  13. If you are baking, preheat the oven at 200 degrees celsius and bake for 15-20 minutes with the sauce and macaroni—layer with the shredded cheese, black pepper, breadcrumbs, and melted butter on top before baking.

Chef Tip: The sauce should be prepared on low flame, and add chilled milk to avoid the formation of lumps. Use freshly shredded cheese only.

Try this scrumptious creamy macaroni and cheese recipe, and let us know how you liked it in the comments below.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• ‘Macaroni’ is the corrupted name of the Italian ‘Maccheroni’ which is derived from the Latin ‘macerare’. This word means ‘to bruise’ or ‘to crush’ referring to crushing the wheat to make pasta.

Historical Fact

• The first documented recipe for pasta and casserole, basically a dish of parmesan and pasta, dates back to the 14th century in the Italian cookbook Liber de Coquina which is one of the oldest medieval cookbooks.

• Another cookbook named Forme of Cury, also written in the 14th century, featured a cheese and pasta casserole known as ‘makerouns’.

Nutrition Fact

• A relatively healthy homemade macaroni has around 461 calories in one cup serving of which 211 calories are from fat.

• It contains 23g of fat, 82mg of cholesterol, 426mg of sodium, 181mg of potassium, 42g of carbohydrate, and 20g of protein.