Italiano Pesto Pizza

Cuisine: Italian

Cook Time: 25 Minutes

Serves: 4

Craving pizza but want a change of taste? The answer is easy - an Italian Pesto Pizza that will leave you super satisfied. This quick and easy recipe is not only fun to make but also a great addition to any party menu!

  • Refrigerated pizza crust: One (10 ounces) 
  • Pesto: ½ cup 
  • Sliced marinated fresh mozzarella cheese: 6 ounces
  • Prosciutto: ½ cup 
  • Chopped fresh parsley: ¼ cup
  • Chopped fresh basil: 3 tablespoons
  • Grated Parmesan cheese: 3 tablespoons 

The goodness of pesto and pizza in one mouth-watering dish!

  1. Before you start assembling your pizza, remember to preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Preheating is essential; if you let the pizza dough sit with the pesto for too long, it can get soggy. 
  2. Read the instructions on the package and roll out your dough accordingly. Spread an even layer of pesto on the surface of the dough. Grab your mozzarella slices and arrange them over the pesto. Add your prosciutto over that. Throw on some fresh parsley, basil, and grated Parmesan until you’re happy with it. If you’re a cheese-lover, you can experiment with the amount of cheese you want to add as toppings.
  3. Toss the pizza into the preheated oven. It should take about ten minutes to bake. Once the crust is browned, and the cheese is bubbling, your pizza is ready to serve!

Pizza is favorite across the world, but a pesto pizza is not anyone’s go-to pizza. This cheesy and rich recipe does not disappoint; try it out now, and we bet you’ll be changing your pizza preferences really soon! 

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• The word ‘pizza’ was first documented in a Latin text from Gaeta, Italy, which still belonged to Byzantine Empire back in 997 AD.

• The text stated that the tenant of a particular property was to give duodecimo pizzas to the bishop of Gaeta, which means twelve pizzas every Christmas and another twelve pizzas every Easter Sunday.

Historical Fact

• Pesto has two ancestor sauces dating back to Roman era.

• One was a paste known as moretum used by Romans that had crushed garlic, salt, cheese, herbs, olive oil and vinegar.

Nutrition Fact

• A slice of pesto pizza contains 261 calories of which 95 are from fat.

• It contains 9.1g of protein, 32g of carbohydrates, 130mg of potassium, 435mg of sodium, 15mg of cholesterol and 11g of fat. Despite of having higher calories and fat, pesto is a good addition to any diet because of the nutrients that come with it.