Falafel Pita

Cuisine: Middle Eastern

Cook Time: 40 Minutes

Serves: 6

The delicious Falafel Pita is traditionally made from scratch with chickpeas. It can be fried, or baked for a lighter version but falafel stuffed inside the pita bread is the most popular, easy, and go-to version. 

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 6 pita bread loaves
  • 18 cooked falafel balls, from homemade or store-bought falafel mix
  • 2 medium tomatoes, diced
  • 1 medium cucumber, unpeeled and diced
  • 1 medium white or red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 3 sandwich pickles, sliced thinly 
  • Tahini sauce

How to make a satisfying Falafel Pita?

  1. Heat a non-stick pan and coat it with olive oil. Heat a pita bread for around 2 minutes on each side until it browns a little.
  2. Cut the top part of the pita to reveal the pocket after heating.
  3. Stuff each pita with falafel balls and a spoonful each of diced tomatoes and cucumber. Top each with sliced onion, chopped parsley, sliced pickles (optional), and a generous drizzle of tahini sauce. 

Chef Tip: Add some crumbled feta to add some tang and creaminess into the sandwich. 

This yummilicious meal with filled with vitamins and minerals that are crucial for healthy body functions. How to make a lip-smacking falafel pita you ask? Here's the answer. 

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• During Ramadan, falafels are sometimes eaten as part of iftar, the meal that breaks the daily fast after sunset. It also is considered Israel's National Dish.

Historical Fact

• With a highly controversial history, falafel is believed to be invented by Egyptians about 1000 years ago.

• As Alexandria, Egypt, is a port city, it was possible to export the dishes to the Middle East and other areas.

Nutrition Fact

• One falafel pita contains 595 calories of which 283 are from fat.

• It contains 31g of fat, 500mg of sodium, 62g of carbohydrates, and 21g of protein. This dish is high in fibre and protein that help in muscle repair and weight management.