Cedar Planked Salmon

Cuisine: Scandinavian

Cook Time: 35 to 60 minutes

Serves: 4

Aromatic and delicious salmon that is easy to prepare. Try this quick recipe to add a smoky flavour to your salmon with the unique aroma of cedar-wood. Know how to make Cedar Planked Salmon for a scrumptious meal and raise some eyebrows!

  • 3 untreated cedar planks (12 inches)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Rice vinegar
  • Soy sauce
  • Chopped green onions
  • Fresh ginger root
  • Minced garlic
  • 2 peeled salmon fillets

Enjoy flavourful Salmon smoked with Cedar Plank

  1. Soak the cedar planks for a minimum of 1 hour in warm water. 
  2. Meanwhile, take a shallow dish and mix the vegetable oil, vinegar, sesame oil, green onions, ginger, and garlic with a dash of soy sauce. Coat up your salmon fillets with the marinade and let the salmon soak the ingredients for 15 to 45 minutes.
  3. Preheat your outdoor grill. Set the heat to medium. Place the cedar planks on the grate and wait for a while for them to smoke and crackle a little bit.
  4. Put your marinated salmon fillets on the cedar planks neatly. Cover and grill them for up to 20 minutes. You will know that your fish is cooked if you can flake it with a fork. 
  5. You can serve your salmon fillets right off the planks while it remains hot and fresh. Add some fresh lemon juice and sprinkle some ground pepper on top for a tangy flavour.

Chef Tip: Soak your cedar plank for enough time before cooking so that it does not catch fire on the grill. Make sure that your marinade coats your salmon fillets completely for a balanced flavour. You can add more herbs and spices while marinating to make it extra delicious.

This Cedar Planked Salmon is a marvellously easy dish for any fish-lover. Do give it a try and let us know how you became the chef of your family!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Salmons are born in freshwater where they spend a few months to a few years before moving out to the ocean. When it’s time to spawn, they head back to freshwater. Very few other fish can survive in such wide ranges of salinity and would die if they moved between salt and fresh water the way that salmon do.

Historical Fact

• The Pacific Northwest tradition of cooking fish on a wood plank likely originated centuries ago with the region’s Native American population, and it is carried on today for good reason: the wood—usually cedar or alder—flavors the fish as it gently cooks, imbuing it with a subtle smokiness.

• In the early days, the catch was hungover open fires or tacked to big wood slabs and then slowly cooked, absorbing the natural flavors from the smoke.

Nutrition Fact

• A single serving of cedar plank salmon contains 530 calories. To break it down further, it consists of 32g fat, 160mg cholesterol, 940mg sodium, 3g carbohydrates, and 57g protein.

• The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon may help to prevent depression and other brain-related problems.