Bacon Cheese Burger

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 2

You cannot miss out on this cheeseburger and French fries combo! Super appetizing and loaded with proteins, you can easily try this fun snack at home.

  • 4 burger patties (2 servings)
  • 4 burger buns
  • Sliced American cheese
  • 4 slabs of bacon
  • Lettuce leaves
  • 1 tomato, chopped
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Mayo and pickle for taste
  • 5 potatoes
  • 2 cups of water
  • Salt for taste
  • ½ grounded pepper

The cheeseburger of your dreams!

  1. Soak the potatoes in water for 10 minutes before cooking. Cut the potatoes in thick ¼ inch wide sticks.
  2. Drain the potatoes and dry them with a clean towel.
  3. Heat oil to 300 degrees. Fry the potatoes for 4-6 minutes without overcrowding. Place them on a paper towel and set them aside.
  4. Increase heat to 400 degrees and fry the potatoes again until golden brown.
  5. Moving to the burger, grill the bacon in a grill until crispy.
  6. Cook the patties and top each with a slice of American cheese.
  7. Lightly toast the buns in a separate skillet.
  8. Arrange the burgers with a patty and top them with sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and a slice of bacon.
  9. Add mayo and pickle. Serve immediately.

Chef Tip: Experiment with the cheeses per your preference, like Swiss or pepper Jack.

Crispy fries and cheese-filled burgers, what’s not to love?! An easy take on an all-American classic, enjoy this combination on laid-back weekends with friends or family.  

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Bacon Cheeseburgers breaches the Kosher's law which prohibits the mixture of meat and milk following a verse in the Book of Exodus that forbids Jews from “boiling a goat in its mother's milk”.

• This triggered opposition in Jerusalem when McDonald's started selling cheeseburgers, which led to the opening of both kosher and non-kosher McDonald's outlets in Israel.

Historical Fact

• The popularity of adding cheese to burgers rose in the late 1920s to mid-1930s.

• The invention of a cheeseburger is unclear with several claims and debates. One of the popular claims is that Lionel Sternberger, who was a fry cook, “experimentally” dropped a slab of cheese on a sizzling hamburger in the year 1926.

Nutrition Fact

• Bacon has high-quality proteins, essential vitamins and minerals namely iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, and thiamin.

• Half of the fat in bacon is saturated and the other half contains Omega-3 fatty acids.