Valentine’s Apple Roses

Cuisine: Italian

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 2

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. Why apples you ask? Apples are considered the emblem of Valentine’s day. This is the same fruit from the story of Adam and Eve from paradise. And this story is called the origin of sin. 
  2. Apples and roses are from the same family and they go hand in hand for Valentine’s day too! Isn’t it cute?
Historical Fact
  1. During those times, sugar was incredibly expensive and which is why sweet fruits like figs were used as a sweetener instead. 
  2. Apples are not native to America but they originated in Kazakhstan, in Central Asia East of the Caspian Sea. 
Nutrition Fact
  1. Apple is filling due to its high fiber and water content which may help you support weight loss. 
  2. The fiber found in apples improves gut-friendly bacteria, which is why it is known to help protect against chronic diseases.