Strawberry Frosted Donuts

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 35 mins

Serves: 2

Strawberry Frosted Donuts, a sweet little treat for small and big get-togethers that one can’t say no to. The flavors of this Strawberry Frosted Donuts Recipe are rich and sweet, and the texture is soft and smooth that immediately melts inside the mouth.

List of Ingredients: 

  • All-purpose flour
  • Sugar (can be substituted by stevia)
  • Eggs
  • Baking powder
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Vanilla Extract 
  • Butter (unsalted)
  • Strawberries
  • Milk
  • Strawberry Jam
  • Confectioner's sugar
  • Sprinklers (if required)

Glaze for a sweet treat for breakfast!


  1. Preheat the oven to 300-345 degrees F. Prep the baking tray with non-stick spray.
  2. Take a bowl, mix the dry ingredients, i.e., flour, sugar, baking powder, and set aside.
  3. Take another bowl and mix all the wet ingredients, i.e., eggs, yogurt, vanilla extract, and butter.
  4. Once the wet ingredients form a good thick paste, mix the dry and wet ingredients. Take a pastry bag or any other similar bag and form a pipe-like structure. Fill the mixture into the pipe and pipe out donuts in a circle on the baking tray. The cavities should be ⅔ full if you are using a donut-specific baking tray.
  5. Put them inside the oven for 8-12 minutes until they are fluffy and golden brown.


  1. Cut the strawberries into pieces and grind them into a puree. Mix the strawberry jam in the puree and grind once again. 
  2. Slowly add the confectioner’s sugar to the strawberry puree and jam mixture until you reach a thick frosting consistency. 
  3. Now glaze all the donuts with the frosting. You can serve fresh or after refrigeration as per your choice.

Chef Tip: While preparing the donut, make sure you do it gradually to get a good consistency and avoid lumps.


These treats are not only mouth-watering party appetizers but also a snack for one of the cheat days that you look forward to. People of all enjoy this soft fluffy bite of pure heaven. 

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• The longest line of donuts ever recorded stretched 1,841 feet 10 inches in Berlin on April 27, 2014.

• Even before people would trick or treat for candy, Halloween was celebrated by bobbing for donuts hung from a string. 

Historical Fact

• The first recorded use of the word ‘donut’ is found in the 1900 story “Peck’s Bad Boy and His Pa” by George W. Peck. A character is quoted as saying, "Pa said he guessed he hadn’t got much appetite and he would just drink a cup of coffee and eat a donut.

Nutrition Fact

• One strawberry frosted donut contains 280 calories, 15g fat, 32g carbs, and 3g proteins.