Raspberry Ripple

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Serves: 2

If raspberries remind you of summer, you’re not alone. Mix this lovely, fruity flavor into ice cream, and you’ve hit the jackpot with the family! Here’s a quick and easy raspberry ripple recipe at your disposal.

List of Ingredients: 

  • Whole milk
  • Cream
  • Sugar
  • Egg yolks
  • Vanilla extract
  • Raspberry

Delightful summer essential, not just for the kids!

  1. Heat 2 cups of whole milk and 2 cups of thickened cream in a large saucepan on medium heat. Stir in ½ cup of granulated sugar. Turn off the heat once the mixture starts steaming.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk 5 egg yolks and ½ cup sugar till you get a creamy mix.
  3. Slowly pour in the milk-cream mix into the yolks, whisking vigorously.
  4. Pour the mix into the saucepan. Heat on low for 15 minutes to get a thick, custard-like mixture. Stir in 2tsp vanilla extract and strain into a clean bowl. Cool for an hour and refrigerate overnight.
  5. Make the raspberry sauce by heating 1 cup of fresh raspberries in a pan with 2tbsp water on low heat. Stir 2 tbsp sugar and simmer for 10 minutes till the mixture becomes mushy. Strain into a clean bowl, pressing with a spoon.
  6. Once the custard mix has cooled, transfer it to an ice cream maker and process it according to the machine's instructions.
  7. When your ice cream is almost done, pour in the raspberry sauce. Process just enough for the sauce to get swirled in. Transfer your raspberry ripple into a container and freeze overnight.

Chef Tip: Adding the hot milk-cream mix into egg yolks is called ‘tempering.’ It involves slowly warming up the yolks without scrambling them. Do this very slowly while whisking continuously. How to make raspberry ripple smooth and creamy? Make sure you get the tempering right!

Try out this raspberry ripple recipe to see how easy and rewarding it is! Then, let us know how the raspberry swirls impress the children and adults alike.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Raspberries are deeply symbolic. In certain kinds of Christian art, raspberries were a symbol of kindness. The red juice was thought of as blood running through the heart, where kindness generates. In the Philippines, raspberry cane hung outside a house can deter evil. In Germany, raspberry canes would be tied to the horse’s backs in order to calm them down. That’s one powerful fruit!

Historical Fact

• Raspberry Ripple is a popular flavour of ice cream, particularly in Great Britain. Raspberry syrup is injected into vanilla ice cream. The name “Raspberry Ripple” was given to other raspberry flavored products in the 1920s.

• The term “ripple” in the ice creams originated in the United States, it is used to identify any ice cream ribboned through with coloured and flavoured syrup. Around the 1930s, machinery was developed to incorporate fruit paste in ice cream creating a marble effect.

Nutrition Fact

• One cup of raspberries provides over 50% of the minimum take target for vitamin C which assists in immunity and skin health, which reduces collagen. Raspberries also contain manganese and vitamin K, which both play a role in bone health. They’re rich in anti-aging antioxidants, they can protect you from cancer and they are high in fiber.

• However, ice cream can add a lot of sugar and extra calories to your meal. The high-fat contents slow down the absorption of nutrients into your digestive system, leading to weight gain. Enjoy this delicacy in moderato and watch your portions!