Raspberry Crumble Bar

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 90 minutes

Serves: 1

Your days are going to get deliciously sweeter with this quick and easy raspberry crumble bar recipe. Chew this juicy dessert bar, packed with the goodness of oats, post-dinner, or better yet, after an intense gym session. Who says you can only have protein bars to recharge your batteries, right?

List of ingredients: 

  • Frozen raspberries
  • Granulated sugar
  • Flour
  • Cornstarch
  • Lemon
  • Rolled oats (recommended)
  • Brown sugar
  • Baking powder
  • Butter
  • Salt

This delightful fruity recipe is the perfect match for your sweet tooth and sugar cravings!

  1. Preheat the oven to 350-degrees.
  2. Wash the frozen raspberries well with lukewarm water for 60 seconds. Keep them aside for about an hour till they’re defrosted and well-drained. The focus is on getting the raspberries as dry as possible.
  3. For the fruity filling - mix raspberries, sugar, flour, cornstarch and lemon juice together.
  4. For the crust - mix oats, flour, sugar, baking powder, butter and salt together. This mix will resemble, well, a crumble.
  5. Line your cake pan with parchment or butter paper. 
  6. Keep 1/4th of this crumble mixture aside and place the rest on your cake pan. Bake for 10 minutes. 
  7. After 10 minutes, place the fruity raspberry layer on top of this baked layer. Sprinkle the remaining crumble on top of the fruity layer and bake for another half an hour.
  8. Voila, your raspberry crumble bar is ready to be devoured. You can let it cool for a few hours or dig right in!

Chef Tip:  The first step of defrosting raspberries is important, as the shape of your bars depends on it. To drain the excess water out of the raspberries, you can even squeeze them gently with your hands or a spoon.

 The best part about this recipe is that it can be made using any fruit. So if you prefer some other fruit, you may go ahead and add it to the recipe. Trust us, this quick and easy recipe tastes nothing short of heavenly.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• According to legend, raspberries were white. The nymph Ida pricked her finger while picking berries for the crying infant Jupiter, and raspberries have since been tinged red with her blood. That’s why the botanical name- Rubus idaeus, makes a lot of sense. Rubus means ‘red’ and idaeus means ‘belonging to ‘Ida’. 

Historical Fact

• Crumbles became popular in Britain during World War II when the topping was an economical alternative to pies due to a shortage of pastry ingredients. 

Nutrition Fact

• Raspberries are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

• It protects against diabetes, cancer, obesity, arthritis, and other conditions and may even provide anti-aging effects.