
Cuisine: Indian

Cook Time: 40 Minutes

Serves: 4

Paal payasam (sweetened rice pudding) is a popular dessert from Kerala made during festivals and celebrations like Onam. Make your celebrations extra sweet and special at home with this simple and easy recipe. 

  • Four cups full-fat milk
  • Raw rice - 1/4 cup (long-grain, short-grain basmati rice)
  • 1/4 cup sugar (or add according to your preference)
  • 1 tsp Ghee (clarified butter) 

An easy milk pudding for your sweet tooth!

  1. Rinse the rice well under running water. Drain it and keep it aside.
  2. Take a heavy-bottomed pan. Add 1 tsp ghee and add the drained rice. Fry it for 2 minutes on medium flame.
  3. Now add milk and bring it to a boil on medium flame. Add sugar. Keep stirring for 3-4 minutes till the rice is cooked properly.
  4. The Payasam will start to thicken, forming a creamy texture. After 12 minutes, remove from heat. Yummy Pal Payasam is ready to serve!
  5. The Payasam tastes delicious even without garnish. If you like, you can use fried cashew and raisins for garnish.
  6. Serve hot or chilled.

Chef Tip: If the Payasam becomes too thick, dilute it by adding a little milk before serving. Use only full cream milk to make the pudding.

It will take 40-50 minutes for the Payasam to develop that authentic taste. Be patient. A great man once said, ‘Good things take time’, and this pudding is definitely worth the wait! Try this yummilicious recipe and share your experience in the comments below.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• For centuries, the Payasam was served on the banana leaf as a side dish.

• In temples, Payasam is given as Nivedyam, which is an offering to please the Lord.

Historical Fact

• The unique rice pudding, Payasam is believed to have originated, around 2000 years ago, in the temple town of Puri in Odisha. 

• The first mention of Payasam is found in the fourteenth-century Padmavat, not as a rice pudding but a sweet preparation of jowar and milk.

Nutrition Fact

• It is very nutritious, consumed as a whole grain, easily digested, naturally gluten-free, and is essentially organic.  

• It lowers cholesterol, is an amazing source of energy, and may prevent colon cancer.