Mexican Flan

Cuisine: Mexican

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 1

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. Flan was once a savory dish, made from fish or meat. 
  2. The word 'Flan' comes from the Old High German word 'Flado' which means 'flat cake'. 
Historical Fact
  1. Like many desserts that we love, flan's existence began during the Roman Empire when excess eggs were transformed into custards to produce both sweet and 
    savory tastes. 
  2. The Spaniards took it and took America where it became a delicacy. And due to the influence of Mexican recipe evolution, it became a sweet staple there. 
Nutrition Fact
  1. Flan is healthier than a cake as the eggs in it provide protein and other nutrients while being low in sugar and calories. 
  2. One serving of flan has 237 calories, 8 g of total fat, and 75mg of cholesterol. Hmm, not so healthy then.