Ice cream Sundae

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Serves: 2

A "wow" and "nostalgic" dessert that everyone can prepare in no time and with zero stress. This Ice Cream Sundae recipe can win hearts through its rich flavor and foamy texture with a few ingredients.

List of ingredients:

  • Cream
  • Butter
  • Honey
  • Nuts
  • Icecream
  • Chocolate

Yummy Treat for all Ice cream lovers!

  1. Gently melt the 250 gms of chocolate in a heated pan. Pour one teaspoon of cream, honey, butter each and blend it well. Stir constantly to avoid catching on to the heat. You have prepared your sauce here. Well, you can have hot chocolate fudge or strawberry drizzle for your sauce too.
  2. Refrigerate your ice cream. 
  3. Pick up your serving bowl and take three-four scoops of the ice cream of your choice to make the sundae's base. Top it with 3/4 cup of sauce and nuts. If you want to make it a crunchier one, then put some crushed cookies or biscuits. To make it look beautiful, add some maraschino cherries or shredded coconut.
  4. Add some whipped cream and put the rest of the sauce above your Ice Cream Sundae, and enjoy! If you can, then top it with some crushed walnuts too. 

Chef Tip: You must warm your sauce for a few minutes before putting them on your dessert. This lets it come out easily. To make it much easier, use a spatula or spoon to extract the sauce. Some sauces are available in squeezable bottles too. 

Don't wait to serve this delightful dessert to your family or friends as you now know How To Make Ice Cream Sundae. Prepare this today and let your friends and families enjoy a yummy treat with this nostalgic dessert.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• According to historians, Alexander The Great ( 366-323 BC) loved to eat snow flavored with nectar and honey, which was an early form of what is now called an ice-cream sundae. 


Historical Fact

• The most popular story of the invention of the ice cream sundae suggests that it got its name due to formidable religious laws. Ice cream sodas were a popular drink you could buy from at the local soda shop.

• However, religious laws forbade the shop owners from selling them on Sundays because they were too “frilly” and people were not allowed to indulge in sugar treats on the holy Sabbath. The owner of Ed Berners’ ice cream Parlor, Edward Bernes went on to serve ice cream soda without the soda, so it was technically just ice cream and syrup.

Nutrition Fact

• Ice cream sundae is frowned upon by most health-conscious parents, however, it has serval surprising benefits. It is a good source of vitamins such as vitamin A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E.

• Apparently, ice cream contains vitamin K which prevents blood clotting. Ice cream is also an incredible sore of energy due to carbohydrates, protein, and fats. However, keep a count on the energy intake as the energy that goes unused leads to weight gain. This is all a game of moderation.