Holiday Cookies

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 2

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. Chocolate chip cookies are the favourite cookies of the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street, however, the cookies used on the show were actually painted rice cakes. 
  2. Quite surprisingly, English women used to eat the cookie, ‘Gingerbread Husbands’ to improve their chances of finding a real and good husband.
Historical Fact
  1. Originally, the word ‘cookie’ was derived from the Dutch word ‘koekje’, meaning ‘small cake’. By the 19th century, cookies became very popular in Britain, and the British started calling them 'biscuits.'
  2. Cookie cutters were introduced to America by the Dutch and Germans, and it was only in the 1700s, America started manufacturing cooking cutters by hand.
Nutrition Fact
  1. Cookies can help with weight loss. They are ideal for people who want to lose weight as they are high in fibre and low in fat.
  2. Cookies can be an efficient source of healthy oils and fats when chosen smartly. Healthy baking oils like olive oil or grapeseed oil are highly helpful in the development of the nervous system and can improve concentration and memory, along with mood.