Heart Macarons

Cuisine: French

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 2

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. There are some strange flavors of macaroons like foie gras, Cheetos, wasabi, vegemite, and lavender. 
  2. They have more in common with pasta than you thought! The word ‘macaron’ stems from the same origin, both meaning ‘fine dough’.  
Historical Fact
  1. Here’s an interesting story behind the macaroons. Two women, nicknamed as Macaron Sisters from France started a baking business in 1792 that made macaron shells when their convent shut down. What wise ladies! 
  2. They even claim to have kept the recipe a secret to this day! 
Nutrition Fact
  1. These cute lil' desserts are considered to be a quick source of energy, and also nutritious due to the presence of nuts, sugar, and egg whites. 
  2. Protein in eggs is good for weight loss too so you know the gist! But also, the number of macaroons matter. 😅