Fruit Cake

Cuisine: European

Cook Time: 105 minutes

Serves: 4

The Holiday season is round the corner. While the five-course meal is a definite go-to, there is one thing we can’t miss out on -  dessert! Learn how to make the most loved fruit cake with this super easy fruit cake recipe and make all your guests say wow in unison. 

List of ingredients: 

  • Plain flour
  • Cinnamon
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Eggs
  • Brown sugar
  • Butter
  • Mixed dry fruits
  • Nuts
  • Lemon and orange zest
  • Mixed spices


Super Easy Fruit Cake recipe for the upcoming Holidays!

  1. Line your baking tray with a sheet after greasing it with butter or oil. 
  2. Chop the dry fruits and grate the lemon and orange rind. Post this, sift the flour, baking powder, mixed spices, orange and lemon zest, and salt (the flour mix). Keep the oven ready at 160-degrees.
  3. Boil the dry fruits for about 3-4 minutes mixed in butter on medium heat. Keep aside until cool.
  4. Once the dry fruits are cool, add the eggs and the sifted flour mix. Make sure to mix everything very well.
  5. Transfer this mixture to the cake pan. Place it in the preheated oven for about 75-90 minutes.
  6. Have the cake when it’s cool! 

Chef Tip: Boiling the dry fruits in water makes them soft and gooey, which bakes a deliciously moist fruit cake! Also, try inserting a toothpick until it comes out clean to make sure that your cake is baked. 

Enjoyed the recipe? Try it out and let us know how delicious the fruit cake turned out to be in the comments below! Also, please share this article with someone you think might benefit from this recipe. Happy baking!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Fruitcake made with butter and sugar was banned for a while in Europe in the 18th century because it was thought to be just too rich and tasty.

Historical Fact

• Fruit cake has a very rich and ancient history that dates back to Roman times. A recipe from 2000 years ago had pomegranate seeds, pine nuts, and raisins mixed into a cake made out f barley mash.

• Later in the Middle Ages, fruitcakes with honey, preserved fruits, and spices were popular.

Nutrition Fact

• Fruit cake reduces anxiety and induces good sleep due to the presence of rum. It also is a good source of antioxidants and supplies enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

• However, don’t let the word “fruit” fool you. The high amount of calories due to the excess sugar content outweighs all other health benefits. Hence, save this holiday dish in moderation!