Frosty Cones

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 2

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. Did you know that Ice cream cones were actually an accident? In 1904, an ice cream vendor had run out of bowls and a waffle maker rolled his pastries in the shape of cone to help.
  2. Ice cream was actually used as a way to treat illnesses like stomach problems and fever in the 18th century.
Historical Fact
  1. Historically, ice cream cones were referenced as ‘conical pastries’ in several French cooking books and in the famous “Cornet with Cream” recipe of Mrs. Agnes B. Marshall, back in the 1800s. Thus, ice cream cones are not the invention of the Modern World!
  2. Ice cream played a big role in WWII. A floating ice cream parlour was built by the U.S. Navy to boost the morale of the sailors in the Pacific. They were served cool delights while they were serving the country!
Nutrition Fact
  1. Ice cream can help boost your immunity. Yes, you heard that right! As a kind of fermented food, ice cream is beneficial for our respiratory as well as gastrointestinal health.
  2. Wanna strengthen your bones? Eat ice cream! Ice cream is rich in calcium, a mineral that is not produced by our body but is essential to keep our bones strong and healthy.