Dessert Pizza

Cuisine: Fushion

Cook Time: 25 Minutes

Serves: 16

Pizza, unquestionably, is one of the most loved and quick Italian recipes. However, did you know it can turn out to be a delightful dessert too? Yes! All you will need is a cookie crust, cream cheese, sweet and fruity toppings, and of course, a sweet tooth to bake this masterpiece. Now let's see how to make a dessert pizza. 

  • Sugar cookie dough
  • Cream cheese
  • Sugar
  • Fresh fruits

Doesn’t it sound too delicious to bite onto, huh?

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  2. To make the crust, shape 468 gm of sugar cookie dough into a ball and place it in the center of a grill stone. 
  3. Now, flatten the dough using your palm and roll it out with a roller. Make sure that the dough is around 6 mm (1/4 inches) thick and 12 inches round.
  4. Bake the cookie dough for about 18 to 20 minutes. By that time, it should turn golden brown.
  5. Now, put the crust on a cooling rack and let it cool for 10 minutes.
  6. Mix 250 gm of cream cheese and 75 gm of sugar and spread it evenly on the crust. 
  7. Lastly, garnish it with fresh fruits and refrigerate.

That’s all you need to do to make a dessert pizza!

Chef Tip: If you are not a fruit lover, you can also replace them with chocolates, marshmallows, streusel, or ice cream. It’s your treat, after all. You can go as you like with your Dessert Pizza recipe.

Isn’t it amazing to see the new avatar of pizza? Try this quick and easy Dessert Pizza recipe and become the talk of the town.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• It is not a traditional pizza because it does not contain cheese or sauce, but rather, contains other ingredients such as chocolate chips or fruit.  

• Lunchables sells dessert pizza, called a Treat-za. It contains chocolate fudge and colorful chocolate pieces. 


Historical Fact

• Dessert pizza combines chocolate and pizza, two popular ingredients among school-aged children.

• The confluence of pizza and chocolate developed in parallel in several Western countries and has become a dessert purveyed in franchise and chain restaurants. 

Nutrition Fact

• Strawberries with their citric goodness offer a lovely contrast to the sweetness of chocolate.

• It also comprises the goodness of chopped walnuts, almonds, cashews to impart a nutty crunch to the dessert.