Cream filled Donuts

Cuisine: Dutch

Cook Time: 35 minutes

Serves: 2

Thin and crispy on the outside, light as air on the inside, cream-filled donuts are like little, fluffy pillows that dropped straight from heaven. Whether you make them to see your kids delighted or to enhance your coffee break, this Cream Filled Donuts Recipe is designed for that perfect melt-in-the-mouth kind of experience!

List of Ingredients: 

  • All-purpose flour
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Icing sugar
  • Dry yeast
  • Butter
  • Cream
  • Oil to fry

Delicious delights for the perfect coffee break!

  1. In a large bowl, combine 2 cups all-purpose flour, ¼ cup sugar, 1/4 tsp salt and 1 tsp dry yeast to make a dry mix.
  2. In another bowl, whisk 1 cup warm milk and 4 egg yolks to make a wet mix. Slowly combine the dry and wet mixes until you get a dough. Knead this dough on a floured countertop for 2-3 minutes. Wrap it in cling-wrap and let it rise for an hour.
  3. Take 1 cup of fresh cream in a bowl with ¼ cup icing sugar. Whip the cream for 5-6 minutes till you get stiff peaks. Refrigerate it.
  4. Cut the risen dough in two and roll each half on the counter to make a 1/3” thick sheet. With a cookie cutter, cut 3” circles in the sheet. Place these on a tray and cover with a damp cloth for 40 minutes and let them rise.
  5. In a skillet, heat oil to 375 deg F and place 3 donuts for frying. Turn them over carefully after 2-3 minutes. Once both sides are golden brown, transfer them to a paper towel.
  6. Once the donuts are cool enough to handle, roll them in some icing sugar.
  7. Fill the whipped cream in a pastry bag with a decorative star tip. Poke a hole on the side of the donuts and fill them with the cream.

Chef Tip: Dry yeast needs to be activated for the donuts to be light and fluffy. Temperature is crucial for this. Make sure that the milk you use is warmed to 100-105 deg F. If your milk is cooler, the yeast won’t be able to work its magic. Conversely, hot milk will kill the yeast.

Making perfect cream-filled donuts is indeed as easy as this recipe makes it sound! Plus, it can be a whole lot of fun! Let us know how much you enjoyed it in the comments below.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Donuts didn’t have holes and resembled more of a walnut shape, hence the name ‘dough’ NUTS.

• There’s a holiday on Donut Day as a fundraiser to honor the special volunteers sometimes called ‘Doughnut Girls’ during WWI, who helped boost soldiers’ morale with the confection.


Historical Fact

• The earliest origin of donuts can be traced back to the Dutch settlers who introduced their traditional sweet, ‘olykoek’ to early New Yorkers. These sweets were not shaped like a ring but did resemble the average modern-day donut that we all know.


Nutrition Fact

• A cream-filled donut contains 7% protein, 33% carbs, and 60% fat.

• As yummy as it looks, it is quite unhealthy as it makes the teeth prone to cavities and bleeding of gums. Intake of a single doughnut regularly could lead to gaining weight.