Coconut Cream Truffles

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Serves: 1

Anyone who doesn’t believe in the coco-choco combo has probably never tried some good coconut cream truffles. Here’s how to make coconut cream truffles that’ll totally change their minds and blow them away!

List of Ingredients: 

  • Butter
  • Coconut cream
  • Powdered sugar
  • Vanilla extract
  • Coconut extract
  • Salt
  • Coconut
  • Dark chocolate

Intense coco-choco combo worth obsessing over!

  1. Take ¼ cup of softened butter in a big bowl. Beat it with an electric mixer for 2 minutes till it becomes smooth. Add ½ tsp vanilla extract, ½ tsp coconut extract, 2 tbsp coconut cream, and a pinch of salt. Continue to beat this filling mix for another minute.
  2. Shred coconut in a food processor till it becomes fine.
  3. Fold 1 cup of shredded coconut and 1 ½ cups powdered sugar into the filling mix.
  4. Make tablespoon-sized balls of the mix. Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours till the balls firm up.
  5. Take 8 ounces of dark chocolate and chop it into fine pieces. Microwave for 20 seconds, or till all the pieces melt.
  6. Dip the chilled coconut balls in the melted chocolate. Tap off the dripping chocolate and place the truffles on the baking tray. Sprinkle some shredded coconut or even chopped nuts. Refrigerate again till the chocolate hardens.

Chef Tip: Instead of shredding fresh coconut, you can also use desiccated shredded coconut. This will save you time and effort. However, desiccated coconut can make the filling dry. Simply add in some extra coconut cream to ensure the filling remains juicy and creamy.

This coconut cream truffles recipe is a tried and tested winner. If you don’t believe us, try it yourself. Then, when the family comes demanding more, we’ll be waiting with that gleeful expression of ‘We told you so!’

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• The truffles are named after the mushrooms of a similar name because of their resemblance to the dark and rumpled mushroom.

Historical Fact

• The truffle was created in the kitchen of French chef Georges Auguste Escoffier during the 1920s when one of his apprentices was attempting to make pastry cream, accidentally spilt hot cream into a bowl of expensive chopped chocolate.

Nutrition Fact

• Each truffle contains 110 calories, 24g carbs, 0.5g fat, and 4g proteins.

• Strawberries with their citric goodness offer a lovely contrast to the sweetness of chocolate.