Carrot Pie

Cuisine: European

Cook Time: 1 hrs 30 mins

Serves: 4

A classic dessert that’s a must-know for everyone. If you want to know how to make carrot pie that is comforting yet luxurious, we’ve got you! Our super simple carrot pie recipe will leave your kids and loved ones wanting more.


  • Pie crust
  • 1.5 cups of chopped carrots
  • ¾ cup of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • ¾ cup of milk

Ring in the festivities with our rich carrot pie recipe

  • Pre-bake the pie crust for 3 to 5 minutes at 400 degrees F (Refer to our pie crust recipe to make your own)
  • Remove the pie crust from the oven and set it aside
  • Place the carrots in a pan and cover them with enough water
  • Bring the water to a boil, then let it simmer for 25 to 30 minutes
  • Drain out all the water and mash the carrots till smooth; you can use a food processor or blender for this step
  • In a bowl, mix the carrots, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and cinnamon
  • Slowly pour in the milk and keep mixing
  • Pour the mixture into the pre-baked pie crust
  • Bake the pie at 400 degrees F for 10 minutes
  • Then reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F and bake the pie for 45 to 60 minutes until firm
  • Once baked, let it cool on the rack, then refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Chef Tip: Enhance the flavor in your carrot pie by adding a pinch of pumpkin spice. Then, serve the pie with a generous dollop of whipped ice cream or vanilla ice cream. 

This carrot pie recipe will become your go-to in no time! So, don’t wait; try it out now and tell us your thoughts in the comment below. Remember to share the recipe with your friends and family, too!

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• The evolution of carrot cakes is said to be originated during the Middles Ages when sugar and sweeteners were expensive for most individuals and often hard to find, which is why people used carrots as a substitute for sugar.

Historical Fact

• Carrot pie has history dating back to the 16th century when an English recipe for "pudding in carpet root" was published. However, it was not so much a carrot pie as a stuffed carrot with cream, eggs, raisins, sweeteners and bread crumbs.

• Many food historians believe carrot pie originated from such carrot puddings eaten by Europeans in the Middle Ages.

Nutrition Fact

• Carrots are rich in antioxidants and offer many health benefits. They’re good for your eyes as they contain a good amount of beta-carotene which is a compound that transforms into vitamin A.

• Carrots lower the risk of cancer. Antioxidants have been proven to fight harmful free radicals and make you less likely to have cancer. The two enriching types of antioxidants in carrots are carotenoids and anthocyanin.