Candy Apples

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 1

It’s apple harvesting season, and we all know what that means. It means tons of apple recipes, including those favorite candy apples! Here’s how to make candy apples with just a few pantry ingredients for that perfect fall welcome.

List of Ingredients: 

  • Apples
  • Candy sticks
  • Sugar
  • Food color
  • Corn syrup

Fun, easy, sweet, and shiny apple treat!

  1. Take a dozen fresh apples and wash and dry them thoroughly. Carefully insert popsicle or candy sticks through the center along the vertical length of each apple. Make sure they’re held firmly so that they don’t slide off.
  2. Coat a parchment-lined baking tray with some cooking spray.
  3. Make the candy coating. Take 3 cups of sugar with 1 cup water and ½ cup corn syrup in a heavy-bottomed pan. Heat this mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously. Let it boil and cook till it reaches the hard crack stage. This is when the candy thermometer reads 300 degrees F.
  4. Turn off the heat. Mix in ½ tsp food coloring of a color of your choice. Be careful as the mixture may splash!
  5. While the sugar mix is still hot, slowly dip the apples one by one. Swirl them around so that they’re thoroughly coated. Let the excess drip off before you transfer them to the baking tray.
  6. Let the coating cool and become fully hardened.

Chef Tip: Many apples come coated with wax, making it hard for the candy coating to adhere to the apples. Remove this coating by dunking the apples in a mixture of boiling water mixed with some white vinegar. Keep them in for only 15-20 seconds and wipe them dry. The candy mix should now stick.

Try this candy apple recipe in all your kids’ favorite colors and see how thrilled they get. Let us know how colorful and crunchy your candy apples turn out in the comments below.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Candy apple created a sweet treat and racy color that would become synonymous with fast cars and nail paints. Since the 1950’s people have been painting their nails, their guitars, their motorcycle helmets, and their cars candy apple red.


Historical Fact

• Believe it or not, Candy apple was created by accident. William Kolb, a candy maker was looking for ways to expand sales of his red cinnamon candy during Christmas and used apple on a stick as a way to display the brightly colored candy in the window.

• The oldest known written recipe for a candy apple originated in 1919, found in the cookbook ‘’Rigby Reliable Candy Teacher’’ and it was referred to as an ‘apple on a stick’. 

Nutrition Fact

• An average homemade candy apple generally ranges from 215 to 286 calories and contains 0 to 3 grams of fat. Of course, these figures entirely depend on what you use to make the candy coating.

• Low in calories and glycemic index, apples help the kids remain fuller for a longer time. So kids don’t have to open the refrigerator constantly to check what they can eat next.