Apple Pops

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Serves: 1

Fall means it’s apple season, and apple season means apple pops! Combine the crunchy juice flavor of apple with chocolate topped with caramel and see the kids go gaga. Here’s an apple pops recipe that’s a definite winner!

List of Ingredients:

  • Apples
  • Chocolate chips
  • Coconut oil
  • Caramel sauce
  • Sprinkles
  • Nuts
  • White chocolate chips

Perfect fall treat for the kids!

  1. Boil some water in a saucepan. Place a larger bowl over it to set up a double boiler. Put 1 cup of chocolate chips into the bowl and stir as they melt. Mix in 1tbsp coconut oil.
  2. Place an apple upright on the cutting board and slice it vertically into 3/4” thick slices. You should get 4-5 slices per apple.
  3. Make a hole at the bottom of each slice with a knife and insert a candy stick. Push it along the vertical length, ensuring that it’s snug and won’t slide off.
  4. Line a baking tray with butter paper. Dip each apple candy in the melted chocolate and place it on the tray. Refrigerate till the chocolate hardens.
  5. Drizzle some caramel sauce on the apple pops and sprinkle some white chocolate chips, nuts, and sprinklers. Get creative with the toppings!
  6. Refrigerate the apple pops for the caramel to harden and serve.

Chef Tip: If you’re in a more extravagant mood, here’s how to make apple pops that’ll blow the children’s minds. Once the apple candies are coated with chocolate, do a second dip but in caramel this time! Alternate the layers, and top these multi-layered apple pops with toasted, crushed pecans.

Try this easy apple pops recipe, and when they disappear within minutes, don’t blame us! Just let us know how the kids enjoy them.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Apples look beautiful as flowers. But did you know that they actually are a part of the rose family? Isn’t it a real connection!   

• Apple pops are mistakenly called by many names like caramel apples, candy apples, jelly apples, and toffee apples. 

Historical Fact

• Apple pops were invented in the 1950s. Dan Walker was a sales representative working for Kraft Foods, which sold small individually wrapped caramels.


Nutrition Fact

• Two properties of Apples- their high fiber Low-calorie contents- make them a weight loss-friendly food. 

• Some even suggest that apples can help lower blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes.