Cuisine: Middle Eastern
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 1
Join the Turks and brew some stimulating and versatile Turkish Tea that can be used for any occasion because Turks love their tea. You will, too! Because we have the easy and classic recipe to make Turkish Tea that will get you going throughout the day. Grab the traditional Turkish teapot and, let’s brew some tea!
List of ingredients:
Chef Tip: Make sure never to directly place the small or top teapot on the stove to shorten the time. Taking care of the slow brewing process ensures the proper release of flavor and look of the tea.
Wasn’t this the perfect beverage to kick start your day? When the guests are home next time, surprise them with a Turkish tea and let us know their reactions in the comments below. If they like it, do share the recipe!
• To imply that tea is well brewed, Turks call the colour of tea tavşan kanı or the blood of the rabbit. Quite earthy!
• Never refuse a glass of tea as it can appear rude. If you don’t wish to drink tea then ask for a glass of water instead.
• Originally, the Turks enjoyed coffee more than tea. When the expenses increased, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the President at that time, encouraged the locals to opt for tea instead.
• Turkish Tea is classically drunk from small tea glasses, which are said to be in the shape of Tulip, hinting back to Ottoman times.
• Drinking this tea can reduce the chances of having heart attacks or a stroke, as it helps to regulate the heart and blood vessels.
• Drinking tea increases happiness by empowering the hormones. Happy tea, happy we!