Pineapple Punch

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 1

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. The name ‘pineapple’ is given to the fruit due to its great resemblance to the pine cone.
  2. The pineapple is not a single fruit, but a collection of around 150-200 fruits. 
Historical Fact
  1. Pineapple was found by a great personality. It is said that in the year 1492, Christopher Columbus, while on his journey across the world, found pineapple on the island of Guadeloupe. He later introduced it to the world.
Nutrition Fact
  1. Pineapple is high in vitamin C, which can help protect your body against the common cold.
  2. Pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain, which triggers your body's ability to fight pain and reduce swelling.