Garlic Bread

Cuisine: Global

Cook Time: N/A

Serves: 1

Quick Bites

Fun Fact
  1. Did you know that garlic has been used for over 5,000 years? Ancient Egyptians not only adored it for its taste but believed it could ward off evil spirits. Imagine garlic bread as your delicious guardian against the supernatural!
Historical Fact
  1. Garlic Bread as we know it today has deep Italian roots. It originated in Italy, where bakers cleverly transformed leftover bread into a savory sensation by adding garlic and olive oil.
Nutrition Fact
  1. Garlic is known to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, promoting heart health. So, when you're munching on garlic bread, you're not just treating your taste buds - you're also giving your heart some love. 
  2. Pairing garlic bread with a balanced meal - like a fresh salad or a hearty soup - can make it part of a well-rounded diet. It's like a harmony of flavours - where garlic bread plays a tasty tune in the symphony of a nutritious meal.