Egg Mimosa

Cuisine: Italian

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 8

Egg Mimosa is a delight to have any time anywhere. It is one of the most popular and delicious dishes among foodies. Though you might have come across complex egg mimosa recipes, here we have a quick and easy egg mimosa recipe. All you need is a few ingredients, and you have the best and most appetizing egg mimosa at home.

  • Eggs
  • Salt
  • Mayonnaise
  • Curry powder
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Paprika
  • Green onion

How To Make Egg Mimosa?

  1. Take a pot, put 4 eggs in the pot and fill it half with cold water. Switch on the flame and put the pot to boil. Boil the eggs uncovered.
  2. As soon as bubbles appear in the water, switch off the gas and cover the pot with a lid. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water from the pot. Run cold water on the eggs. Then peel the eggs and keep them aside.
  4. Cut the eggs in half and take out the yolks.
  5. Take a bowl and put the egg yolks, 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, and mash the mix into a smooth paste-like consistency. Season with salt, black pepper, and paprika, per your taste.
  6. Thinly chop green onions.
  7. Stuff the egg whites with the yolk mixture and arrange it on the serving plate.
  8. To finish, sprinkle green onions and serve.

Chef Tip: When making the yolk mixture, always ensure that the mix is free of yolk lumps. Mash the yolks with mayonnaise until a smooth and thick paste. You can also use a piping bag to stuff the yolk mixture creatively in the egg whites.

Hard-boiled eggs stuffed with creamy yolk and a mayonnaise mixture are an all-time favorite dish. Enjoy restaurant-style delicacy at home with our simple and quick egg mimosa recipe.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• As fancy as it sounds, the salad got its name from mimosa - tender spring flowers that are scattered on the floor. This is because of the bright yellow color in the egg yolk that is as bright as the color yellow in the mimosa flower.

• A further similarity is achieved by crumbling and scattering boiled egg yolk on the surface of the dish.

Historical Fact

• It was in early 1970s that mimosa salad first appeared in the Soviet Union.

• It is mainly a festive salad whose main ingredients are egg, cheese, mayonnaise, canned fish and onion. The invention of this salad came as a relief for the cook in the Soviet Union during tough times, as the ingredients used were cheap and accessible. The salad's acceptance and fame in the USSR have given birth to a wide variety of recipes with slight modifications but keeping its originality intact.

Nutrition Fact

• A medium sized healthy serving of mimosa salad consists of 66 calories, that breaks into 4g of fat, 5g of carbohydrates, 4g of proteins, 2g of dietary fiber and 619 mg of sodium. 

Eggs lower the risk of heart diseases; they are also beneficial for the eyes because of two powerful antioxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin. Eggs have a good amount of selenium, minerals such as zinc & iron, vitamin D, B6 & B12. Although the primary ingredient (the egg) is healthy and low in fat, the cream, which is mayonnaise, is believed to be brimming with fat. It is therefore advisable to go easy on the cream!