Creamy Apple Salad

Cuisine: American

Cook Time: 10 Minutes

Serves: 2

If you are looking for a healthy and delicious snack or breakfast that is quick and easy to make, then creamy Apple Salad is one of the best recipes you can opt for. The salad is a fully-packed healthy dish that can bless you with a luscious and healthy start to your regular workdays.

  • Apples
  • Creamy Greek Yoghurt
  • Mayonnaise
  • Earn spices
  • Juicy plum raisins
  • Crunchy beckon toppings

Perfect or a light, delicious, and hearty meal!

  1. Use a combination of red and green apples. Start tossing them together with golden raisins or dried cranberries. Add a small splash of apple juice and orange juices, along with a dash of lemon juice. 
  2. Take a separate bowl and add some vanilla Greek Yoghurt, mayonnaise, and a teaspoon of apple pie spice. Fold this dressing into the mixture of apples until it is completely covered in it. 
  3. Finish by garnishing the salad with pecan or coconut toppings. Refrigerate or serve immediately. 

Chef Tip: For better flavor, using a combination of red and green apples with the right juices is essential. A garnish of coconut toppings makes the salad tastier. You may also substitute other types of nuts, almonds, peanuts, etc., in the dish. Dried cranberries are the best substitute for raisins. You can also make an apple-celery salad in the same way.

Quick Bites

Fun Fact

• Up until the 17th century, the word ‘apple’ was used to refer to all the fruits that are foreign to a particular region. For example, when tomatoes were introduced to Europe, they were called ‘love apples’, and cucumbers were called ’earth apples’.


Historical Fact

• Apple trees originated in Central Asia and were derived from its wild ancestor Malus sieversii which still exists.

• Alexander the Great is believed to have found the dwarf apples in Kazakhstan in 328 BC.

Nutrition Fact

• A medium-sized serving of creamy apple salad contains 233 calories, it contains 18g of fat, 19g of carbohydrates, and 2g of protein.

• Apples provide you with manganese, copper, vitamins A, E, B1, B12, and B6, they also contain polyphenols.