
Catering Manager

Work Area: Catering Truck

Personality: Bold, happy, elegant and cheerful.

Nationality: Swedish

Beauty, brains and complete business acumen. Kathy ensures catering business is always booming.

1. What’s your secret behind being titled the ‘Best Catering Manager’ in town?

Thank you for noticing it. I pride myself on the title but I do not let it stay on my head when I work and that’s my mantra. I love organizing parties and managing various events around the town. And every time, I make sure things happen according to the plan and the togetherness of my team. 

2. Which is your favorite cuisine from the restaurant?

Italian for sure! I love how simple ingredients make such complex flavors in this cuisine. If you think about it, the main ingredients are tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and herbs. Never have I had an Italian meal that I’ve not enjoyed or at least, appreciated. Well, there have been situations, but I blame the chefs. Risotto is my favorite of all, at the moment. It’s so rich and tasty and packs a real punch when cooked well.  Next on my list would be Pizza, of course. 

3. What do you do when you’re not catering? What are the hobbies that you indulge in?

For the moment, I am learning to sew. This might be one of the most challenging things I have ever done and but it is quite affordable and creative is all that I can say for now. Believe me, I follow YouTube tutorials to learn how to hand sew on different types of clothing and different designs. I spend my time also by gardening. That is something that satisfies me. I have a few plans for growing a lush rose garden so let’s see! 

4. Which is your memorable vacation to date?

It was when my parents took me to Universal Studios in Orlando. It was our summer vacation that year. It was one of our memorable vacations as it was my very first time on an airplane. I experienced so much joy with my parents with all the rides, food, and whatnot. That trip got me and my father so close, which I’ll be grateful for. 

5. Tell us something we don’t know about you.

I love traveling! I love traveling to new countries and staying there for a while to enjoy the culture. I have lived in seven of the eight continents. I find that this experience has helped me understand other cultures and appreciate their differences. My goal is to travel to Antarctica one day and observe the penguin migration. 

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