
Delivery guy

Work Area: Outside with his Bike

Personality: Happy go lucky, sweet, casual, playful and sleepy.

Nationality: American

A genuine fun-lover, Joe believes that a quick power-nap rejuvenates the body and mind.

1. What is your secret behind that happy glow on your face even with your hectic schedule?

Well, why be sad when you can be happy right? I have a purpose-driven life – that’s to make others happy with my presence and delivery. People tend to ask me this question on a daily basis because they can see me smiling and being happy. I say,  ‘ You should be happy too that you have a life to enjoy and grow’. And of course, the reason for the glow is my beauty sleep, haha! I sleep on breaks so that I am fresh all the time! 

2. Tell us something we don’t know about you.

Did you know that I am a dance? If not, now you know! I loved dancing from a young age and my mom supported me every time and I am really grateful for it. During the 2014 New York City NYE Celebration, I was a background dancer for the main performer. It was intoxicating! I had to learn the routine in two weeks and I had a busy schedule at the restaurant too, which made it a challenging and exciting experience. 

3. Did you have an awkward situation any day while delivering? If yes, let's hear it out.

I have a lot! It was an urgent delivery and at the last minute, I jumped into the closing elevator – only to discover that there was a dog inside and I am terribly scared about dogs. The next thing I know, the dog’s trying to sniff its way around the food package. I was trying to shoo it away, but it kept growling and sniffing. I jumped right out of the elevator on the next floor and had to walk all over to the 7th floor only to know that my customer was the one who had this pesky dog! 

4. What do you do when you’re not delivering? What are the hobbies that you indulge in?

I am a movie buff! I go to movie halls and spend my weekends watching movies. Or else, if I do not want to go out spending my money on the tickets, I just visit the local library for collections of the old classics. They are so original! And if I want to watch a series or movie when I am lazy, I just download movies from the Internet or just Netflix and chill! 

5. Which is your favorite cuisine from the restaurant?

Thai is my favorite of all! It has been overshadowed by Chinese and Japanese food, but I am glad that it’s gaining popularity and I know the reason behind it. It’s amazing! Chicken Satay is my favorite start of all time and Thai Red curry is fantastic when done with noodles. People think Thai food stops right at curries. But there are so many dishes that have left me amazed at how good they are. 

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