
Fusion Chef

Work Area: Fusion Station

Personality: Focused, creative, go-getter.

Nationality: Russian

Mischka is as much an artist as she is a Chef. She gets plating inspiration from art museums; her primary motivations are pushing boundaries and eliciting emotions.

Mischka on the Hot Seat


  1. What inspired you to become a Chef?

I’m a ‘go with the flow' kind of a person. You’ll be surprised to know I was actually deejaying in the early years of my youth. I’d be playing in popular music festivals, and touring with my band, hopping cities all across Russia. We were a small band, and to our surprise, we once got an opportunity to travel to Japan for our gig. I’m not big on sushi, but that was all there was to eat in our motel. So, I ate it with some burrito I had with me and it tasted amazing. That’s what triggered the passion in me to take my love for fusion from music to food. I’m not saying one day I mixed sushi and burrito and bam, the next day I became a successful chef… I had a long way ahead of me. But that moment was definitely what inspired me.

2. What is your signature dish? What do people love about it?

My latest invention – it’s because every fusion is crazier than the previous one. So, currently, my latest addition on the menu is Pumpkin Coconut Panna Cotta. It has a silky, creamy, and rich texture with an extremely sweet taste. It’s got a hint of roasted flavors due to the golden sugar, which is only enriched by pumpkin and the coconut gives it the milky goodness it needs to be ready to bedazzle any dessert lover.

3. How do you describe your overall cooking philosophy?

I am an artist, so cooking is art for me. If you know my menu, you’ll see I don’t follow any rules. I bring together two of the most contrasting flavors and make a fusion dish out of it. Just like you blend in music in a concert, just like you blend in colors in a painting, just like a rainbow with seven vibrant colors… it’s all a matter of art and a little bit of heart! 

4. What’s your take on fusion food?

Fusion food is a pass of freedom in this world of fine-tooth combing culinary standards. I get to be who I am, do what I want, and travel where I want to. I am not restricted to one kind of cuisine or one kind of culture. Though I am from Russia, I feel like the whole world is my open kitchen and I get to cook my heart out with no limitations.

5. When you’re not busy in the kitchen, what hobbies do you indulge in?

Oh, I got a lot of hobbies… even when I am in the kitchen. I’m more of an artist than a chef, even though I make the most money by cooking haha. When I’m not working in the restaurant, this is what my day looks like: I wake up and put on some music, I cook up a random dish inspired by the choice of music playing, then I paint the dish before devouring it, and then I burn it off by dancing around a bit to different music, which inspires another dish to come… and the loop goes on till my body gives up. Ah, it’s fun being me.