
Juice Chef

Work Area: Juicer & Shaker

Personality: Charming, confident, ever-smiling.

Nationality: American

Chef Mark is the poster boy for the exciting new wave of juice Chefs. Mark’s style of preparing juices is spontaneous and simple. 

Mark on the Hot Seat


1. What inspired you to become a Chef?

My nana had a small shop, more of a food cart, in the neighborhood. He’d sell hotdogs, pretzels, and other fast-foods. He had to constantly add new things to keep up with the competition and stay relevant, and one day decided to add a small juicer so his customers can beat the summer heat. But he was overworked and couldn’t afford an employee to run the juicer, and right on cue, I took over with little to no idea about how to use it. But once I started, it really grew on me. Long story cut short, the juices in my nana’s tiny shop alone made more income than all other eatables combined. So, my nana insisted I have a gift, and here I am, doing it for a living for myself. So, all thanks to nana I guess.

2. What is your signature dish? What do people love about it?

It’s the first juice I served on my job – the Berry Punch. This drink is not limited to one niche of customers. You start loving it as a teenager at high school parties, and then college mixers, and then adult barbeques, and old age kitty parties. That’s probably the reason it also is a best seller, so both economically and emotionally, this drink is my signature dish.

3. How do you describe your overall cooking philosophy?

Spontaneous. I don’t plan an elaborate menu or to-do list for my day at work. I let the fruits decide what they wanna be paired with, or if the customers are too choosy, then I let them decide, haha. Juice is a light-hearted, thirst-quenching, healthy, fresh, and breezy cuisine… and to reflect that, it’s important to make it with a spontaneous mind and hand.

4. If you weren’t a chef, what would you be?

Wow, that’s difficult. I’m knee-deep and happy in my current profession, so I have never given that a thought. But at the top of my head, I think I’d be an organizer. Yes, apart from making good juice, I am a sucker for neatly organized things. I’d definitely make a business out of it now that more and more people are super-busy in their jobs and need a hand in maintaining an organized closet which is basically an organized lifestyle. You should sometimes visit my plate, you’ll see what I am talking about. This is another trait my nana passed down to me, discipline. 

5. When you’re not busy in the kitchen, what hobbies do you indulge in?

I like wine tasting. I love visiting wineries and just tasting away all the wine there is, and then being driven home by a friend haha. I also visit vineyards where you get a bigger picture of how the wines are made. I do get myself some grapes for my Grape Juice recipe. Fresh and organic fruits always make the best juices, needless to say. Apart from that, umm let’s see… oh I like photography too. I love taking pictures of the fresh fruits, juices, and the process of making them. Some of my photographs are featured on the official Star Chef 2 Facebook page, you should check them out.