
Pasta Chef

Work Area: Pasta Station

Personality: Loud, funny, spontaneous, cheerful.

Nationality: Italian

Marco has made a name for himself as one of Italy’s most accomplished Chefs. Thanks to his light, playful style of cooking.

Marco on the Hot Seat


  1. What inspired you to become a Chef?

It’s *chef’s kiss* Pasta! My mamma used to make delicizioso Pasta and I am mad proud of where I come from and the impact Italian cuisine has on the international culinary world. How could I not be a part of that legacy? Plus, I have a special connection with pasta. It was the only thing mamma could afford for quite some time during my childhood, but she’d give a different twist to it every day so we kids don’t get bored. It’s basically a natural it for me that I carry forward both my country legacy and mom’s memories of pasta.

2. What is your signature dish? What do people love about it?

Macaroni and cheese! No matter how exquisite my menu gets, I think the one closes to my heart and also the one that’s always in high demand is the good old macaroni and cheese. There’s a lot of dispute about the origin of macaroni and cheese, some as absurd as saying it’s an American dish, haha! But, once and for all, it’s an Italian dish folk. *coughs* Sorry, I get a little too patriotic sometimes, especially during interviews where I get nervous.

3. How do you describe your overall cooking philosophy?

Do it with your heart! Whatever it is that you do, may it be coding, playing sports, singing, dancing… just do it with all your heart. Also, take a break when you need it. Your passion when turned to work can burn you out sometimes. So, just like the oven, we also need some time to blow off steam. Don’t rush, do it at your own pace, and with utmost sincerity, the results will definitely show. 

4. Tell us a little about Italy.

Ahhh… Italy, where do I start. This country is everything to me. The definition of Italy is delicious food, one-of-a-kind art, classic architecture, unbeatable fashion (hello, Milan fashion week), mesmerizing opera, irreplaceable literature, and entertainment. What doesn’t this country have? 

5. When you’re not busy in the kitchen, what hobbies do you indulge in?

My hobby... I don’t have a lot of hobbies, I have invested all my time into my profession. But off late, I am trying to be social media savvy. My daughter signed me up on Instagram, TikTok, and now even Tinder… so yes, somewhere between the left and right swipes, I spend my leisure. *wink, wink*.