
Candy Chef

Work Area: Candy Maker

Personality: Simple, friendly, funny, generous

Nationality: American

When a restaurant is lacking in the Candy department, expert candy chefs like Jonas are parachuted in to improve things across the board.

Jonas on the Hot Seat


  1. What inspired you to be a chef?

My meemaw is certainly my inspiration. When I was little, she used to pay me in candies to help her stir the pots of the dish she used to cook. But when she was no more, I started cooking and baking all her favorite dishes which eventually made me realize that cooking is my passion and my journey started. I started my cooking journey with a baker and he gave me the push that I needed. 

2. How do you describe your overall cooking philosophy?

I may be a candy maker, but I am open to all types of cuisines. I love the flavors, textures, taste of cuisines from all over the world. Food is something that is to be enjoyed, and that’s what I do. I also feel that it is important to bring all your senses to choosing the ingredients. That has to inspire what you cook. It is not a matter of choosing a recipe and sticking to it, it is about choosing the ingredients and making a unique dish out of it. 

3. Let’s hear it from a candy maker, which one do you love the most?

Umm, I’ll go for all caramel any day! Be it caramel sauce drizzled over a waffle, chocolate bars, or even a bag of Kraft caramels. There’s nothing better than caramel and caramel haha!  When I was a kid, I would sneak all the caramels out of my siblings’ bags and eat them all alone.  You won’t believe me, but I had a dog-named Carmelita!  And now after all these years, if any of my kitchen staff ask me what I want for my birthday, I would just say to bring me a bag of caramels. 

4. Apart from candies, which 3 dishes would you choose any day and why?

  • Definitely Masala Dosa from India. Tarla, my colleague from India has challenged me to try it as the hot sambar gives the dish a spicy edge and she says I won't be able to handle it. Huh, spicy and I go hand-in-hand 
  • I wanna travel to Spain just to eat Gazpacho. It’s very eye-pleasing. I have heard people have it every day without getting bored of it and also there is always a jug on the counter in tapas bars if anyone needs it extra. Umm, my mouth’s watering.
  • The last one would be Bulgogi. It’s a marinated beef barbecue, which is way more popular in the US than in Korea. It was ranked as the 23rd most delicious food in the world according to an article that was published in 2011. 

5. What do you do when you’re not making candies? What are the hobbies that you indulge in?

I am mostly into gardening. I grow Orchids and Bromeliads. It is a very pleasant experience, which brings out a lot of benefits like positive thoughts, energy, and vibrancy to our lives. I call myself a plant mommy because I am so used to planting and watching them grow until their flourish. And the benefit of all, bearing fruits gives you a lot of good vibe and energy.