Jade Nowak

Donut Chef

Work Area: Donut Station

Personality: Gentle, clumsy, happy, friendly.

Nationality: Canadian

Jade is a jovial person and loves to have people around. She makes the best donuts which she loves to eat and doesn’t shy away from sharing them with everyone around.

Jade Nowak on the Hot Seat


  1. What inspired you to become a Chef?

Like the famous lyrics by Dirty Heads goes, “I’m on vacation every single day, cause I love my occupation”. I mean if you love cooking and you have a knack for it, capitalize on that skill and turn it into a lucrative career opportunity, right? Along with the satisfaction, there’s a huge growth curve one can anticipate – from Commis Chef to Demi Chef and all the way to Chef de Partie, Sous Chef, and ultimately climbing the ladder to Executive Chef. So, you can say it was a blend of passion and practicality that lead me here.

2. What is your signature dish? What do people love about it?

This one’s really close to my heart, Choco Cream Donuts. It was an idea from one of my most loyal customers to who I’d like to give a shoutout today – so thank you Ruth Metz-Glass for making me feel welcome when I was new here at Star Chef 2. Today, people from all over enjoy these delicious donuts because of you. I’m an extreme extrovert, and I don’t do well in a grave environment so I’m grateful I’m amidst a thriving community of Star Chef 2 fans.

3. How do you describe your overall cooking philosophy?

My philosophy would be very poetic – Shine like a donut, let your tummy sing a sonnet! You see, I don’t live by a rule book. I bake donuts because it makes my heart happy, and I eat a donut because it makes my stomach happy! It’s as simple as that, give your 100% to what you put your heart into, and everything else will fall into place. This does not apply to culinary skills only, it’s universal for every line of profession.

4. What is the one thing about Donuts that you love the most?

Hmm, the fact that they’re a carefree delicacy. Culinary skill, in general, is a very intricate art form where every granule has to look, taste, and feel perfect. Take stake for example – medium rare, rare, well-cooked and what not… But donuts are a happy-go-lucky dish that anyone can enjoy anywhere and at any time. It’s easy-going and uncomplicated, just like me! Oh let’s also not forget that it’s cute and plump appearance, also like me, haha!

5. If you weren’t a chef, what would you be?

I think I’d do great as a kindergarten teacher. I’m good with kids and am always the fun aunt at family get-togethers. Even if I wasn’t a chef, I’d still love sweet treats for sure. So, that’s a plus to coax the kids, right? I’m not a big fan of high-schoolers though, they can be a bit mean sometimes… come on, I can’t be the only one who thinks that. 😅 So, Imma stick to kindergarten.