
Pickle Chef

Work Area: Pickle Station

Personality: Perfectionist, strict, passionate.

Nationality: Scottish

Despite his massive appearance, he is soft-hearted and joyful. He has mastered the old ways of pickling and values cleanliness and neatness.

Bruce on the Hot Seat


  1. What inspired you to become a chef?

When I was younger, I used to help my Nana cook, and watch pickles being made and it left a lasting influence on me. She used to pay me in toffee bars to help her fill pickle jars since it was a tedious process and I loved doing it! I fell in love with the whole natural process of pickling and boy, preserving the veggies was thriving. So, I guess the boldness of flavors inspired me to become a chef.

 2. What is your signature dish? What do people love about it?

It’s gotta be ‘Kimchi’! Honestly, people love the flavors since it includes spicy, sour, umami… and also the texture of it – crunchy, sweet, garlicky, and has that effervescent kick! And if you think about it, it has a lot of health benefits like – reducing the risk of serious health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases, etc. It definitely recalls people in their home I believe. But beyond that, nobody can resist the tang and the deliciousness!

3. How do you describe your overall cooking philosophy?

I believe that pickles are the jar of emotions and a culinary adventure you go through the whole process.  Cooking from scratch is what I have loved my whole time and what better than this with you being the reason behind improving the health and general well-being, right! Not just about pickles, we, the ones who cook food with passion wanna give them the culinary pride of place they deserve. Cooking is all about people, your passion, and food – is all that matters! I am very passionate about cooking so this might keep going for some more time, haha! 

4. Is there a chef you look up to? What about them inspires you the most?

I really admire Kunal Kapoor and Heston Blumenthal for their belief and multi-sensory cooking. Heston has inspired me with all the extraordinary recipes that he has known for, and for the creative styling of cookery! Who doesn’t love the classy and perfect plates of the dishes, right? And Kunal, for his mission to find the most unique pickles in the world and give them the culinary pride that they deserve. The tradition of making pickles at home is vanishing, which is gloomy but he is trying to bring together the home cooks and the pickle-makers to submit their unique recipes so that they get recognition. Isn’t that amazing! 

5. What do you do when you’re not making pickles? What hobbies do you indulge in your leisure?

Gardening! Haha, I couldn’t resist my enthusiasm. To tell you the truth, gardening is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It helps me stay calm and focused when I return back to the kitchen. And the best part of all, you get to eat the delicious fruits, veggies, and herbs that you have nurtured all along! Also, it gives you all the physical exercise that your body needs. So forget the life drama, and let’s get digging.