
Food Author

Work Area: Critics and Celebrities Mansion

Personality: Warm, charming and friendly.

Nationality: American

With an infectious smile and twinkling eyes, Judith is one of the most recognisable faces in the home cooking scene with an cooking experience of over 40 years! In her spare time, she loves looking after her herb garden.

1. When did you start writing?

Writing in general, I started in middle school. But writing about food and recipes, I started after I got kicked out of my corporate job. I felt like I had nothing to lose at that point, so I sat down and started doing what was considered a pass-time and something that couldn’t put food on the table. But with the help of a good publishing company, more and more people started reading what I write and here I am. 

2. How do you handle fame?

By embracing it! Fame humbles me, and I love when people come up to me with stories related to what I write. So, I don’t think it’s something to ‘handle’… it’s something that inspires me, something that I enjoy, and something that enables me to live the life I have.

3. Tell us one thing we don’t know about you?

My first book was rejected by my publisher, I had to completely shelve it. The reason I am putting it out here is, to let everyone know that failure doesn’t mean the end of the world. I was fired from my 9-5 job, hopped on the writing bandwagon and my first book got rejected, was on the verge of giving up… but I didn’t! And now, I have 10 cookbooks each of which with over a million copies sold.

4. What brings you joy or makes you happy?

Honestly, a productive day! I don’t wanna sound like a nerd, but when I go to bed after hitting around 10 good pages that I’m happy with, it makes me happy. I love what I do, so work is fun and like a vacation. The best part is, I can write even when I am on a vacation, in fact, I get more inspiration when I am in a different corner of the world each time. 

5. What do you do in your free time?

I knit sweaters. I like make cute little accessories for my friends and family for Christmas, I knit everything from scarf, sweaters, blankets to even earrings (yes, there are woollen earrings). If you’d like, I can send you some. 

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