
Food Blogger

Work Area: Critics and Celebrities Mansion

Personality: Charming, extrovert and keen observer.

Nationality: Canadian

With her trademark geeky spectacles and an electrifying smile, Claire is super popular in the food scene. ‘Restaurant of the Week’ section of her blog is something which both patrons and chefs never want to miss out!

  1. When did you get into the blogging world?

I am heavily reliant on the internet for every small and big decisions of my life. In the sense that, I like to be educated about the place I am going to dine, the tourist place I am planning on visiting etc. And I never found a reliable place or network where I could find all the information a foodie would need. I’d have to keep track of around 5-6 different blogs to have everything I need on my fingertips. That’s when I saw a gap to bridge, a market that could make use of a full-fledged food blog. 

2. Did your father being a baker influence your career choice?

Definitely! The smell of freshly baked dough, whipped cream, the strawberries, the vanilla… ahh, I can go on and on. My childhood was filled with memories of baking and all things pastries. So, in the most positive way, my father’s profession did influence my career choice as I was naturally a foodie.

3. Tell us one thing we don’t know about you?

People think my dad’s popularity in the culinary world made it easier for me to get to where I am. But, I think it’s made people more critical of me that my father is a big name in the food world. Every mistake I’d make as a beginner in the field would be blown out of proportions and compared to him, with comments of nepotism and privileged life.. and what not.

4. What brings you joy or makes you happy?

Traveling! That’s what makes me happy. I love exploring new cultures, meeting new people, learning a thing or two in different dialects. I try to embrace the traditions fully where ever I go, and it just gives me immense pleasure and I feel very grateful to have the means to do what I love the most.

5. What do you do in your free time?

I go on drives. I love picking a place randomly and setting out for long drives alone. I have curated a playlist for each one of my drives ­– one for the countryside, one for night drives, one for the coastal areas, and one for city drive-throughs. It just feels very liberating to go on drives.

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